Crush Crush Wikia
EventCGs01 abby

Abby is an exclusive girl that can be obtained through the Spring Fling 2024 Parallel Event. You first encounter her after she makes the rather abrupt decision to move in with you while you're watering the plants in your new bee-friendly garden.


Abby is a very friendly bee who is eager to move in with You. She is shown to be very excitable and a bit of a goofball at times, often using an array of bee-related puns. At times, she expresses how saddened she is by the prejudice against bees due to their habit of stinging people in self-defense.

Dialogue List[]

First meeting[]

  1. You're enjoying a calm day outside, working on your new bee-friendly garden.
  2. Suddenly, you see a girl making a beeline for you...
  3. Peace and quiet - CRUSHED!
  4. "Honey, I'm home! Just kidding, we've never met before. I am moving in, though!"


  • Ahhh, home sweet home. Sweet as a beehive full of honey! Which is what I'm going to build. Right over there. All hail the queen!


  • If you need any productivity tips, I'm your gal! First and foremost, a "honey-do list" is your best friend. The less popular "honey-don't list" can also come in handy!
  • LOVE what you've done with the place. It's an absolute oasis! Ooo, look at all these colorful flowers. Purple, blue, and ultraviolet - my favorite! Oh yeah, I'm gonna be happy here.
  • What's your favorite flower? I'm hoping it's not the same as mine, so that I don't have to share. Not that I WOULDN'T share. But it would be nice not to have to!
  • I just came from a suburb. You know the type. HOAs, cookie cutter houses, unnaturally manicured lawns as far as the eye can see... Bleugh! Anyway, I'm starving. Ooo, is that a patch of red clover I see?


  • Eep! Sorry, I'm still a little shaken up from this bad dream I had last night. A bear in a red t-shirt was coming after my honey. And he had a gun!
  • Hey! Don't you know you're not supposed to swat at bees? Just stand really still and let me check out all the colors and scents you've got going on, okay?


  • Are you absolutely, positively, 100-percent-certain there are no pesticides in, on, or around this?

Upgrade to Nuisance[]

  1. I'm Abby! Be nice to me, or I'll sting ya! Sadly it'll hurt me worse than it hurts you, so let's hope it doesn't come to that.
  2. Anyway, tell me about yourself! What's your name? Do you like jazz?


  • You're not allergic to pollen, are you? Because I'm pretty much always covered in it. So... let me know if you want some antihistamines, I guess! My treat!


  • Please accept this housewarming gift. It's a bottle of mead! I know I'm the one who moved in, but... I figured I'm here whether you like it or not, so the least I can do is try to be a good co-habitant.
  • What's your favorite flower? I'm hoping it's not the same as mine, so that I don't have to share. Not that I WOULDN'T share. But it would be nice not to have to!
  • I, uhh... I noticed a few dandelions around the side of the house. Are you... gonna eat those? Can I?
  • Man, I love a good hexagon.
  • Being a bee isn't always the easiest, but I try really hard to stay optimistic! After all, even flowers have to grow through dirt.


  • Beehee! Bee-have yourself! I'm fragile and endangered.


  • Are you absolutely, positively, 100-percent-certain there are no pesticides in, on, or around this?

Upgrade to Frenemy[]

  1. I have an idea. We should build a deck. Picture it - string lights, cozy chairs, a hundred planters filled with the world's most delectable flowers. Mmm! What a smorgasbord!
  2. I know you didn't technically say "yes", but we ARE doing this. Eee, I'm so happy! I love group projects!


  • I'm a bee, I'm a bee, I'm a I'm a I'm a bee...


  • Man, I love a good hexagon.
  • Apiary. A-P-I-A-R-Y. Apiary. Beeheehee! Look at me, I'm a spelling bee!
  • How's my hair? Do I need to... honeycomb it? Beehee! of course I'm only pollen your leg. I don't care what my hair looks like. Anyway, if it tangles too much, I'll just get a buzzcut! Beeheehee!
  • Oh wow, did you see that butterfly that just fluttered by? She was so pretty! *sigh* I wonder what it's like to be that pretty. To live in a world where no one's afraid of you...
  • Some people say the grass is greener on the other side. Other people say the grass is greener where you water it. I say grass is stupid. Everyone should grow fields of clover instead!
  • Peony for your thoughts? Actually, I'd like to keep the peony if that's okay. But I still wanna hear your thoughts! What if I trade you this weird little copper coin I found on the ground?
  • Being a bee isn't always the easiest, but I try really hard to stay optimistic! After all, even flowers have to grow through dirt.


  • Beehee! Bee-have yourself! I'm fragile and endangered.


  • Well, I'll bee! Not too shabby for Abby. Thank you!

Upgrade to Acquaintance[]

  1. Whatcha been up to lately? Keeping busy, I hope? Working hard, not hardly working? Beehee!
  2. Oh, you actually have a lot of jobs! Wow! I just became way more invested. Tell me everything!


  • You're so sweet I wanna take you back to my hive and make honey with you! ...Wait, that sounded like a pickup line. I'm not that kind of bee, I swear! Let's at least have dinner first!


  • How's my hair? Do I need to... honeycomb it? Beehee! of course I'm only pollen your leg. I don't care what my hair looks like. Anyway, if it tangles too much, I'll just get a buzzcut! Beeheehee!
  • Apiary. A-P-I-A-R-Y. Apiary. Beeheehee! Look at me, I'm a spelling bee!
  • Peony for your thoughts? Actually, I'd like to keep the peony if that's okay. But I still wanna hear your thoughts! What if I trade you this weird little copper coin I found on the ground?
  • I don't float like a butterfly, I float like a bee! I also STING like a bee! So maybe I'm not as sweet as you think, huh? How about that! Beeheehee! I was just practicing my "tough chick" schtick. What do you think? Are you buying it?
  • I really like tigers, zebras, and burglars! It's the stripes that do it for me. I don't like wasps, though. They might be stripey, but those jerks can suck my stinger.


  • Beehee! Bee-have yourself! I'm fragile and endangered.
  • Oh! Beeheehee! Careful! If you startle me too hard, I might poke you back with my pointy end!


  • Well, I'll bee! Not too shabby for Abby. Thank you!

Upgrade to Friendzoned[]

  1. I'm so glad I decided to bee-friend you. Wait... We are friends, right? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed! I've made a total bee-hind out of you AND me...
  2. Oh, so you DO see me as a friend? Phew! That's a huge relief. Togetherness is very important to bees. You're officially stuck with me!


  • Being your friend makes me so happy I'm sure I could fly even if it was aerodynamically impossible! Which it's not, bee-tee-dubs. Obviously.


  • Beehee! Did you ever hear the one where... Beehee! The worker walks into a... Beeheehee! Beeheehee! I can't! It's too funny! Beeheeheehee!
  • I wrote myself a theme song! It goes like this. *ahem* "I long to bee... where I bee-long. Bzzz Zzzz bzz zZz. This is my song." What do you think?
  • Whoops! Looks like you've got a bit of pollen on you. Let me just brush that off, and... Wow, um... You feel nice.
  • Do you like my knees? Not to bumble my own humble, but... I've been told they're pretty great.
  • I was exploring your house earlier, and I found the conservatory. I couldn't believe it. A whole indoor garden just for me to spend the winter in? I... I love it so much! *sniff* I feel so loved! I think I'm gonna... *sniff* CRYYY!


  • Oh! Beeheehee! Careful! If you startle me too hard, I might poke you back with my pointy end!
  • Beehee! Bee-have yourself! I'm fragile and endangered.


  • Ohhhh, this looks DELICIOUS! It is a flower, right? Sometimes I get a bit confused.

Upgrade to Awkward Besties[]

  1. People tend to get really tense when I'm around. It... it stings. I'm just a friendly, curious little bee! Why is it so hard for them to see that?
  2. You're different, though. You're not the type to judge a girl by her yellow jacket. It means a lot to me, so... thank you. For being so willing to get to know me for who I am.

Awkward Besties[]

  • Bzzzz.... Bzzzzz.... Bzzzz... Huh? No, I'm not sleeping! I'm just hanging out. Happy as can be. Although a power nap in a tulip does sound tempting right about now...


  • Whoops! Looks like you've got a bit of pollen on you. Let me just brush that off, and... Wow, um... You feel nice.
  • Do you like my knees? Not to bumble my own humble, but... I've been told they're pretty great.
  • Have you ever thought about wearing stripes? I bet you'd look reeeeal cute in them!
  • Do a little spin for me? Yep, it's just as I suspected. You have the CUTEST bee-hind.
  • Why do birds appear whenever you're near? I suppose, just like me, they want to be... close to you! Unless they're here to eat me. Oh honeysticks, I really hope they're not here to eat me!
  • Hey, um... Did I see you chatting with a bear earlier? Or like... a girl who looks like a bear? Is she nice? I guess, if you can trust her, then... I can try to as well.
  • I wrote myself a theme song! It goes like this. *ahem* "I long to bee... where I bee-long. Bzzz Zzzz bzz zZz. This is my song." What do you think?


  • You're getting much better at being gentle with me. It would really make me happy if, y'know... kept practicing.
  • Oh! Beeheehee! Careful! If you startle me too hard, I might poke you back with my pointy end!


  • Ohhhh, this looks DELICIOUS! It is a flower, right? Sometimes I get a bit confused.

Upgrade to Crush[]

  1. Do I like you? Mayyybee... maybee not. You never can tell, with bees.
  2. Buzzzzinga! I'm teasing! Honestly, just bee-ing around you makes me giddy. Of course I like you!


  • Hey. Just so you know, I think you're one in a BUZZ-illion. Yeah, I know there's no such thing. But sometimes real words just aren't enough to describe a feeling!


  • For our next gardening project, I think we should makeover the city's green spaces. Ooo, and then we should replace all the parking lots with food forests. And turn all the skyscrapers into hydroponic towers! Okay, get the mayor on the phone right now.
  • Wait, you KNOW someone whose NAME is HONEY!? That's un-bee-lievable! I need to meet her. Pleeeeeeease can I meet her?
  • Every day I spend with you, my heart is getting fuller, brighter... like it's blossoming into something new. Is this what it feels like to be... a geranium?
  • I met the most beautiful silver-haired moth the other evening. She invited me to go stargazing with her, but I was so sleepy I just came home and went to bed. Looking back, I wish I'd taken her up on the offer. I wonder if I'll ever see her again...
  • A simple majority vote is no basis for a system of government, which is why we bees live in a dictatorship! A self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the workers and the queen... What? Why are you looking at me like that?
  • I'm enjoying our budding romance! Oh! Budding! Like a flower! Awww, I didn't even mean to do that, but it was perfect.
  • Do you want some more honey? I made way too much!
  • Hmmm. It looks like there's a nasty weed trying to overtake the begonias! You should really pull it. Yep, just... bend over and grab it. I'll be right behind you. Supervising.
  • Oh, this? It's my happy dance! Bees dance to communicate, and right now I'm telling you how much I adore you!


  • Oh! Beeheehee! Careful! If you startle me too hard, I might poke you back with my pointy end!
  • You're getting much better at being gentle with me. It would really make me happy if, y'know... kept practicing.


  • You're so sweet! I just wanna eat you up!

Upgrade to Sweetheart[]

  1. I need to tell you something. I'm... not really like other bees. You see, I'm a bit bigger. I'm supposed to have five eyes, not two. And... I don't even have mandibles! I'm sorry. I thought you deserved to know.
  2. You mean... this doesn't change how you see me? Oh, my heart's aflutter! I was afraid I'd never find a sweetheart like you, but it turns out all I had to do was "bee" myself!


  • Kissing you is the sweetest thing... like sipping nectar from a wildflower on a sunny day. I can't stop thinking about it.


  • Oh, this? It's my happy dance! Bees dance to communicate, and right now I'm telling you how much I adore you!
  • I'm enjoying our budding romance! Oh! Budding! Like a flower! Awww, I didn't even mean to do that, but it was perfect.
  • A simple majority vote is no basis for a system of government, which is why we bees live in a dictatorship! A self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the workers and the queen... What? Why are you looking at me like that?
  • Mwah! Why do you taste like sugar? Mwah mwah mwah! Oh well, I'm not complaining. Mwwwah! Whoops, did I just drool on you? Sorry, let me kiss it better. MWAH!
  • If you ever can't sleep, let me know and I'll sing you a traditional lullabee! Fair warning, I've never been very good at remembering the words. But I make up for it with how great I am at humming!
  • Hey, am... am I doing a good job? At the romancey stuff, I mean? I'm sort of just winging it...
  • I met the most beautiful silver-haired moth the other evening. She invited me to go stargazing with her, but I was so sleepy I just came home and went to bed. Looking back, I wish I'd taken her up on the offer. I wonder if I'll ever see her again...
  • Every day I spend with you, my heart is getting fuller, brighter... like it's blossoming into something new. Is this what it feels like to be... a geranium?


  • You're getting much better at being gentle with me. It would really make me happy if, y'know... kept practicing.
  • Beeheehee! Beeheeheehee! Staaaahp! You're making me do a waggle dance for no reason! Beeheehee!


  • You're so sweet! I just wanna eat you up!

Upgrade to Girlfriend[]

  1. I wasn't looking for a sweetheart when we met, but... spending time with you has been the most amazing experience of my life. All I want is to keep on building this relationship up, buttercup. Are you with me?
  2. Beee! I'm so happy! Together, you and I are like a tiny gang. Or a tiny workers union! *gasp* I'm gonna get us matching tool belts!


  • Hiya, honey! Beeheehee! I've always wanted to call someone "honey." Doesn't it sound sweet?


  • If you ever can't sleep, let me know and I'll sing you a traditional lullabee! Fair warning, I've never been very good at remembering the words. But I make up for it with how great I am at humming!
  • Sometimes I feel insecure. Will you hold me and tell me I'm pretty? Then I'll know it's true, because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.
  • Hey, am... am I doing a good job? At the romancey stuff, I mean? I'm sort of just winging it...
  • Mwah! Why do you taste like sugar? Mwah mwah mwah! Oh well, I'm not complaining. Mwwwah! Whoops, did I just drool on you? Sorry, let me kiss it better. MWAH!


  • Beeheehee! Beeheeheehee! Staaaahp! You're making me do a waggle dance for no reason! Beeheehee!
  • You're getting much better at being gentle with me. It would really make me happy if, y'know... kept practicing.


  • Beeeeee! This is amazing! Oh gosh, I'm literally buzzing with excitement! Beeheeheehee!

Upgrade to Lover[]

  1. I've fallen feet over wings for you. I'm no queen bee, but I hope... I can bee the queen of your heart?
  2. You've made me so happy. All I want, for the rest of my life, is to dance in sunlit meadows with you. Come on, let's go right now!


  • You’re the bird to my bee. The honey to my comb. The royal to my jelly. The buzz to my bumble. The… Whatever! You get the idea! Just zoom over here and kiss me!
  • Honey honey, how you thrill me! Tra la la, honey honey.
  • There you are! I have a romantic surprise for you. It may or may not involve a hundred glowing beeswax candles and an assortment of colorful flower petals scattered across your bed. Follow me!
  • You’ve been buzzing around in my mind aaallll day! Which is a bit weird seeing as you don't have wings to buzz with.
  • Beeheehee! Don’t look at me like that! It makes me feel all fluttery and wiggly inside!
  • There’s my honey bunches of marshmallows! You’re like the most delectable breakfast cereal there ever was. I want to start every day with you!
  • (Naked) Beehee! Like what you see? Want me to turn around and show off my honeybun?
  • (Naked) Hi, honey. I’ve missed you. A lot...
  • (Naked) There you are. I’ve been waiting to surprise you. I got pretty cold, so… You might want to come over here and warm me up.


  • How sweet it is to be loved by you. Sweet like nectar, sweet like honey, sweet like the look in your eyes when you look at me... *sigh* I'm so happy.
  • Is it a little chilly in here? Should we… huddle together for warmth? Mmm. Usually I do this with three thousand of my sisters, but it’s much nicer when it’s just me and you.
  • Who knew, when you decided to renovate your garden, that it would lead to all this? We were clearly… meant to “bee”! Beeheehee!
  • Aww, look at us. Just a couple of lovebirds. Or… lovebees? Is there such a thing as a lovebee? I’m a bee and I’m in love, does that count?
  • When it comes to the ecosystem, us bees are not optional. When it comes to you and me… kissing is not optional. Come on, let’s do our due diligence!
  • I promise to never keep secrets from you. My beeswax is your beeswax.
  • Have you had your daily dose of Vitamin Bee? It's very important for your wellbeing! And your wellbeing is very important to me. Y'know, because I love you and stuff!
  • Don’t worry, bee happy! We’re together, and that’s all that matters.
  • I'd love for you to meet my family. Let's see, if we can keep the introductions to under a minute each, then it should only take... about eight hundred hours for you to meet everyone! Don't worry, I'll make sure there are snacks!
  • I just remembered I'm not supposed to talk to humans. It's like a bee law or something. Whoops!
  • Home isn’t a place, it’s a person. And you are my home, sweet home.
  • I’m so glad I get to keep you forever. Wait… if I’m a bee, and I’m keeping you, does that make me a bee keeper? And you’re keeping me, which makes YOU a beekeeper… Whoa! Trippy!
  • Pour some HONEY on me... Oooh, in the name of LOVE!
  • Omigosh! I had a terrible nightmare that your head was in a cage, and I was trying so hard to kiss you, but you just kept screaming “NOT THE BEEEEEES”! It wasn’t real, right? You still love me, right?
  • I was watching this YewToober earlier and they said you can put honey in your computer and it saves you money or something? Do you know anything about that?
  • How about a romantic long weekend by the coast? I found a great little place on Air Bee & Bee! Oh, but… It might be too small…
  • I was exploring earlier, and I got really tired. Luckily there was a pretty red-haired girl who took great care of me! She brought me some sugar water and let me rest on her carrot greens. What a sweetheart.
  • Can I just… sit on your lap and kiss you? It’s all I want right now.
  • Oh, my sweet little worker bee, I want to try out some of your jobs! What do you think I’d be good at? Cleaning? Art? Or maybe I should just stick to my number one job - loving you.
  • Sometimes I feel insecure. Will you hold me and tell me I'm pretty? Then I'll know it's true, because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.
  • It makes me so happy that your maids use eco-friendly cleaning supplies. You really do surround yourself with the best people, honeybunch.
  • I was thinking about building an extension onto my hive. You should walk by the construction site later so I can whistle at you. Beehee!
  • Mmm. I love the way you smell. It’s like sunshine and wildflowers and happiness. In fact, can I bury my face in your neck right now and just breathe for a while?
  • Can... can I have a hug? *sniff* I got stuck behind a window today. I was just trying to get to the hydrangeas, but I kept smacking my face! I feel like such a fool. Beeehoohoo…
  • I wanted to make you feel special, so I brought you a bouquet of flowers! Do NOT just put them in a vase and forget about them. These are too precious to go to waste and should be eaten within 1-2 days.
  • Sugarpie, honeybunch… You know that I looooove you! Beehee! C'mon, dance with me!
  • You make me so happy, I’m sure I must be glowing like a firefly! Metaphorically, of course. I WISH I had a lightbulb for a butt! Beeheehee!
  • I tried one of those virtual farming sims. It was kind of disappointing. The gardens look nice, but you can’t even smell them! Call me when games have smells.
  • (Naked) ...Do you hear that buzzing noise? It's not me, I swear! Oh no. Did my vibrator turn itself on in the drawer again? How embarrassing! Unless...?
  • (Naked) You make me feel less like a bee and more like a HORNet! Beehee! Get it? Hornet like... horny? Never mind, that was awful. I'll... I'll buzz off.
  • (Naked) I want to lay you down on a bed of roses. Or any type of flower. Or any type of thing. A bed of nails? A bed of rice? I don’t know. I just want to make you happy on a bed. Oh! Duh! I could lay you down on a regular bed!
  • (Naked) Whoops! I spilled honey all over my naked body! Now I'm all sticky and sweet and delicious... Mmm... You might want to come lick me clean before I do it myself. If I could just... bend that way...
  • (Naked) Watching you plant flowers gets me sooo hot. Let’s fool around. Oh, and... leave the gardening gloves on.
  • (Naked) What do you like for breakfast in the morning? Honey Hoops? Honey Clusters of Oatmeal? Honey... quiche? The point is I want you to spend the night pollinating my flower.
  • (Naked) Bzzzt... Have you ever thought about... doing it somewhere public? I was thinking we could roll around in the community garden after dark. Beeheehee! I know, it's so naughty!
  • (Naked) I’m restless. I need to find something to keep me busy. Something to do. How about… you? Beehee!
  • (Naked) Guess what? It's beesness time. Oooh! It's beesness, it's beesness TIME!
  • (Naked) Hey. Don’t forget to... prune your bushes. It encourages growth. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
  • (Naked) I got stuck in a flower earlier - with my butt hanging out! At first I was embarrassed, but then I thought to myself, hmmm… What an interesting predicament for my lover to find me in…


  • Beeheehee! Beeheeheehee! Staaaahp! You're making me do a waggle dance for no reason! Beeheehee!
  • Om! Om nom! Your fingers are so sweet. Let me nibble on them!
  • Mmm. Now can you stroke my antennae? Ooo, that feels sooo nice!
  • (Naked) I love how sweet and gentle you are. But y'know... if you wanted to get a little rougher with me, you could. I trust you with my whole heart.
  • (Naked) Hey! Beehee! You trying to get some honey out of these hives?
  • (Naked) What’s yellow and black and red all over? Me! A blushing bee!
  • (Naked) That tickles! Beeheehee! Oh… oh! Now I’m feeling something else. Mmm. Don’t stop.


  • Beeeeee! This is amazing! Oh gosh, I'm literally buzzing with excitement! Beeheeheehee!
  • sniff* It’s… it’s so… bee-eautiful! I think I might cry! Oooo yep, here come the waterworks. Beeeehoohoo!
  • Really? For me? Beeeeeee I love it! Thank you, honeybunch!
  • gasp* You deserve a MILLION kisses for this. I’ll get started right away! Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah… Phew, my lips are getting tired already! Mwah, mwah, mwah…
  • Oh, this is incredible! You’re incredible! How can I ever show you how grateful I am? Do… do you want some more honey? I feel like I have nothing else to give!
  • [School Uniform] I feel so cute in this! I’ve never been to school, but if I was, I bet I’d be a straight-B student! Is... is that good?
  • [Bathing Suit] I’m pretty sure bees can’t actually swim. And I’m not brave enough to test that theory. I feel really cute in my bee-kini, though! Beehee!
  • [Diamond Ring] Oh, sweetie! A wedding is a beautiful thing, but I really can't wait for the honey moon!
  • [Holiday Outfit] A lemon drop and black licorice candy cane? Beeeee, I love it so much! I can't decide if I want to eat it or stare at it forever!
  • [Animated Pose] Whenever I see you, my wings get all fluttery! It’s a good thing I’ve got my high-vis vest on, because I am all over the place with happiness. It’s honestly unsafe!
  • [Lingerie] Is it just me, or does this make my bum look like a full-on bumble butt? I feel so… so… wasp-waisted and curvy! Do you like it? Is it sexy? Beee! I'm so excited!
  • [Birthday Suit] I’m not just sugar and sweetness. I’m also naked!

Sex Scene[]

  1. Her eyes are full of love and desire. Her body glistens with drips of honey. You go to her, and in your arms she whispers, “Be gentle with me… but not too gentle.” The next few hours are very sweet and very, very sticky.
  2. She smiles at you over her shoulder and giggles, blushing. “Honey, if you love me… won’t you please, please kiss me again?” You kiss her, and she wraps her arms and legs around you once more...


  • [Moonlight Stroll] I don't usually go out at night. I'm... a little scared of the dark. Also I get sleepy. But it turns out a moonlit stroll feels pretty romantic when you're accompanied by someone you really like spending time with!
  • [Beach] I used to hate going to the beach. People can be so rude. I mean, why wear a floral swimsuit and fruity sunscreen if you don't want bees up in your business!? Anyway, today was different. I had a really, really nice time with you.
  • [Sightseeing] That was the best day ever! There were so many beautiful flowers. And that honey latte drink thing? To die for! But the best part was seeing your smiling face every time I turned around to look at you.
  • [Movie Theater] *sniff* He can't see without his glasses! *sniff sniff* Beeeeehoohoohoohoo!

Dialogue about Ayeka[]

  • What am I smelling? Is that... citronella? Ewww, who sprayed citronella oil everywhere!? Sorry, but I've got to get out of here. Ick!
  • Some hooligan has been throwing rocks at my hive! I am very alarmed! Should I sue?
  • Somebody wrote the word “Don’t” at the top of my “Save the Bees” poster. What a buzzkill! I was going to use a nastier word, but... that one actually feels pretty fitting.
  • That's not a girl! That's a murder hornet in disguise! I'm sure of it!
  • I got a letter! Oh... It says, “A fool and their honey are soon parted.” Is it just me, or does that seem not the nicest?
  • That girl just asked me if I’m a botfly! I’ve never been so offended in my entire life! I don’t look like a botfly, do I? PLEASE tell me I don’t look like a botfly! I’m supposed to be cuuuute!
  • If your friend happens to get swarmed by bees, tell her to jump in a pool. Or a lake. Or any body of water. That'll totally save her.

Requirement Table[]

Relationship Level Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 48,000,000 affection 200,700 Rose Lawyer (Legal) Lvl 20 Suave 1 diamond
Nuisance 4,300,000,000 affection 888,888 Fruit Basket 9,100,000 Donut Lvl 34 Tenderness 1 diamond
Frenemy 888,888,888,888 affection 2,007,000 Flowers 2,543,951 Cake Judge Derp (Legal) 1 diamond
Acquaintance 20,072,007,200,791 affection 186,731 Tulips Cinematic Legend (Movies) Lvl 43 Tenderness 1 diamond
Friendzone 438,911,758,000,000 affection 1 Bewitched Jam 2,356,292 Pie 8 Moonlight Stroll Dates 1 diamond
Awkward Besties 910,000,000,000,000 affection 7,775,556 Tulips Bearverly Lover 43 Beach Dates 1 diamond
Crush 8,430,000,000,000,000 affection 6,135 Magic Candles Avatar of Order (Legal) 58 Sightseeing Dates 1 diamond
Sweetheart 57,130,000,000,000,000 affection 165 Bewitched Jam Lvl 58 Tenderness 91 Movie Theater Dates 1 diamond
Girlfriend 91,000,000,000,000,000 affection 43 Mystic Slippers 88 Bewitched Jam Lvl 61 Suave 3 diamonds
Lover You did it!


  • A number of Abby's lines of dialogue reference other girls.
    • One of her Seduce lines at Lover level alludes to Babybelle.
    • One of her Flirt lines at Crush level mentions Honey.
  • Progressing from Awkward Besties to Crush with Abby requires reaching Lover level with Bearverly. In addition to this, one of her Flirt lines is also a reference to her.
  • Upon release, Abby's animated pose wasn't available to buy like all of her other outfits were.


Memory Album[]

Sprites - Default Outfit[]

Sprites - Holiday Outfit[]

Sprites - School Uniform[]

Sprites - Bathing Suit[]

Sprites - Diamond Ring[]

Sprites - Dates[]
