Achievements are earned through advancing Girls, Jobs, Hobbies and Miscellaneous. Every four achievements adds a time block, and each achievement will add 0.05 to the Bonus Multiplier, which will take effect once you reset. It is overall worth it to reset once you get to around the x4 or further mark. There are 410 achievements available before purchases and events, plus 243 achievements from paid and event girls and 20 from the Grave Digger and Tree Planter jobs for a total of 673 achievements.
Main Game Girls[]
Name |
Relationship Level - Cassie |
So You're Saying There's A Chance | Nuisance |
Damn With Praise | Frenemy |
Hover Hand | Acquaintance |
High Five! | Friendzone |
Accidental Hand Holding | Awkward Besties |
Special Feelings | Crush |
Grew Three Sizes That Day | Sweetheart |
Ermegerd! | Girlfriend |
Tsundere Tamer | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Mio |
Player 2 Joins The Game | Nuisance |
Dropping Aggro | Frenemy |
Searching For Connection | Acquaintance |
Mio Wins! Friendship! | Friendzone |
Plug And Play | Awkward Besties |
Crush Crush Crushed | Crush |
Piece Of Heart | Sweetheart |
Heart Plus Plus | Girlfriend |
Digital Love | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Quill |
Cats Out Of The Bag | Nuisance |
I Can Has Forgiveness | Frenemy |
Pretty Kitty | Acquaintance |
Feline Friend | Friendzone |
Here Kitty Kitty | Awkward Besties |
Definitely A Cat Person | Crush |
Tummy Rubs | Sweetheart |
Purrrfect | Girlfriend |
Cat Scratch Fever | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Elle |
Too Many Big Words | Nuisance |
That's Nice | Frenemy |
Polite Banter | Acquaintance |
A Shoulder To Sleep On | Friendzone |
Loaded Silence | Awkward Besties |
Sweet Dreams Are Made On These | Crush |
Heart Shaped Pillow | Sweetheart |
Dreamy McSteamy | Girlfriend |
Panda Paws | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Nutaku |
Not A Subtle Romance | Nuisance |
Don't Overthink This | Frenemy |
A Touching Moment | Acquaintance |
You Got This Tiger | Friendzone |
Rough | Awkward Besties |
A Sure Thing | Crush |
Daddy Issues | Sweetheart |
Nymphomaniac | Girlfriend |
Knock On The Back Door | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Iro |
Love Hurts | Nuisance |
Sworn Frenemy | Frenemy |
We're Cool | Acquaintance |
In The Zone | Friendzone |
Awkward Laughter | Awkward Besties |
She'll Crush You | Crush |
Heart Of Gold | Sweetheart |
It's A Thing | Girlfriend |
Fierce Love | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Bonnibel |
Oh Bother | Nuisance |
Bitter Sweets | Frenemy |
Breath Mints | Acquaintance |
Candy Necklace | Friendzone |
Fresh Cookies | Awkward Besties |
Sweet On You | Crush |
Sweet-tarts | Sweetheart |
Chocolate Covered | Girlfriend |
Edible Underwear | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Ayano |
Notice Me, Senpai | Nuisance |
Can't Take My Eyes Off | Frenemy |
Blood Pumping | Acquaintance |
Outside Your Window | Friendzone |
Love Kills | Awkward Besties |
Made For You | Crush |
Thousand Yard Stare | Sweetheart |
Under The Sakura Blossoms | Girlfriend |
Forever And Ever | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Fumi |
Barbarous Introduction | Nuisance |
Dismissive Colloquialism | Frenemy |
Acceptable Restitution | Acquaintance |
Innocuous Campanionship | Friendzone |
Discombobulted Equanimity | Awkward Besties |
Cultivated Infatuation | Crush |
Delicious Affection | Sweetheart |
Bona Fide Appropriation | Girlfriend |
Amor Omnium Reus | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Bearverly |
I THINK YOU STINK! | Nuisance |
OVER RATED! | Frenemy |
UNBEARABLE! | Acquaintance |
FRIENDZONE ALL DAY! | Friendzone |
FUR CONCEALS BLUSHES! | Awkward Besties |
SWEET AS HONEY! | Sweetheart |
RELATIONSHIP! | Girlfriend |
ALL THE LOVES! | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Nina |
Girl Friday | Nuisance |
Sassy Lass | Frenemy |
Impeccable Skills | Acquaintance |
Wild at Heart | Friendzone |
Dat Accent | Awkward Besties |
A Stout Heart | Crush |
Fiery | Sweetheart |
Occupational Hazard | Girlfriend |
Maid Of Honor | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Alpha |
Tis But A Scratch | Nuisance |
Roadie Potential | Frenemy |
Selfies Permitted | Acquaintance |
F-Zoned | Friendzone |
Aaaaawk-waaaard! | Awkward Besties |
Sappy Songs | Crush |
A Groupie Is You | Sweetheart |
VIP Pass | Girlfriend |
An Album Cover | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Pamu |
Inappropriate | Nuisance |
Keep Your Frenemies Closest | Frenemy |
Civil | Acquaintance |
You Ain't Got No Chance | Friendzone |
Blushing In Other Places | Awkward Besties |
The Real Kind Of Crush | Crush |
Naughty Talk | Sweetheart |
Magic With Benefits | Girlfriend |
Love Is A 4 Letter Word | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Luna |
Do You Believe in Magic? | Nuisance |
Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! | Frenemy |
Roll For Initiative | Acquaintance |
Things Are Heating Up | Friendzone |
Dark Stuff Beyond Midnight | Awkward Besties |
An Arrow To The Navel | Crush |
Come Play My Lord | Sweetheart |
Love Slave | Girlfriend |
More Like Shabranig Do Me | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Eva |
Berserker | Nuisance |
The Hedgehog's Dilemma | Frenemy |
Genesis | Acquaintance |
You Mustn't Run Away | Friendzone |
Let's Just Be Friends | Awkward Besties |
Fly Me To The Moon | Crush |
Major Impact | Sweetheart |
Instrumental | Girlfriend |
All's Right With The World | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Karma |
Soft Curves | Nuisance |
Gunky Chakras | Frenemy |
Sexy Yoga | Acquaintance |
Love Mysteries | Friendzone |
Catwalk Mantra | Awkward Besties |
Cosmic Plan | Crush |
Free Your Mind | Sweetheart |
Face The Dark One | Girlfriend |
Sexy Inner Peace | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Sutra |
Build The Temple | Nuisance |
Don't Skip Leg Day | Frenemy |
Beneath The Waterfall | Acquaintance |
Find Beauty | Friendzone |
Abs Of Steel | Awkward Besties |
You Lift | Crush |
Hard Body | Sweetheart |
Shine On Crazy Diamond | Girlfriend |
Your Body Is Ready | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - The Dark One |
Tickle Me Emo | Nuisance |
Lay It On Gothic | Frenemy |
Paint It Black | Acquaintance |
Crawling In My Skin | Friendzone |
The Edge Of Madness | Awkward Besties |
The Palest Flesh | Crush |
Symphony Of Night | Sweetheart |
Walpurgisnacht | Girlfriend |
Heart Of Darkness | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Q-Piddy |
Pamu Strikes Back! | Nuisance |
Dating The Tutorial | Frenemy |
Chibi No More | Acquaintance |
Wing And A Prayer | Friendzone |
Fairy Magic | Awkward Besties |
Love Lifts Us Up | Crush |
A Pinch Of Fairy Dust | Sweetheart |
That's The Power Of Love | Girlfriend |
The Final Choice | Lover |
Event/Purchased Girls[]
Name |
Relationship Level - Darya |
Thank You For Supporting Crush Crush! | Nuisance |
She's A Gem | Frenemy |
In The Rough | Acquaintance |
Sparkle Sparkle | Friendzone |
They're Minerals | Awkward Besties |
Girl's Best Friend | Crush |
Diamond Cutter | Sweetheart |
Lust-rous | Girlfriend |
Diamonds Are Forever | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Jelle |
Are You Ready For This Jelly? | Nuisance |
Don't Muck It Up | Frenemy |
No Prob Blob | Acquaintance |
Silly Puddy | Friendzone |
Drip Tease | Awkward Besties |
She Goooooo-reat | Crush |
Gunk In The Trunk | Sweetheart |
Oozing With Confidence | Girlfriend |
Slime Flies When You're Having Fun | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Quillzone |
You Want A Pizza Me? | Nuisance |
Don't Be A Weird-dough | Frenemy |
Slice To Make Your Acquaintance | Acquaintance |
More Fur Than Any Turtle | Friendzone |
It's A Pun For 'Calzone' | Awkward Besties |
This Is A Bit Cheesy | Crush |
Not Mushroom For Improvement | Sweetheart |
Now Things Are Getting Saucy | Girlfriend |
That's Amore | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Bonchovy |
Poor Unfortunate Sole | Nuisance |
Don't Flounder | Frenemy |
Plenty Of Fish | Acquaintance |
Believe Fin Yourself | Friendzone |
Kraken Me Up | Awkward Besties |
Mer-Made For Each Other | Crush |
Scale Up The Affection | Sweetheart |
Undine Love | Girlfriend |
Octopuss... | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Spectrum |
Night Mare | Nuisance |
Neigh Sayer | Frenemy |
Horsing Around | Acquaintance |
Pony Up | Friendzone |
Playful Canter | Awkward Besties |
Unbridled Enthusiasm | Crush |
Such A Stud | Sweetheart |
Hot To Trot | Girlfriend |
Clop Clop Mofo | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Charlotte |
A Grave Misunderstanding | Nuisance |
Gothic Senorita | Frenemy |
Good Mourning | Acquaintance |
Eerie Deary | Friendzone |
Tears Of Joy | Awkward Besties |
Thrill Chill | Crush |
Black Black Heart | Sweetheart |
Misery Loves Company | Girlfriend |
Many Little Deaths | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Odango |
Rice Device | Nuisance |
Rice Is Nice | Frenemy |
Rice Advise | Acquaintance |
Precise Rice | Friendzone |
Twice The Rice | Awkward Besties |
Pricey Rice | Crush |
Enticing Rice | Sweetheart |
Spicy Rice | Girlfriend |
Bed of Rice | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Shibuki |
Rats | Nuisance |
Under 9000 | Frenemy |
Ninja Vanish | Acquaintance |
Ninja Wrap | Friendzone |
Were You Seen? | Awkward Besties |
Silent Smooches | Crush |
Heart-ikens | Sweetheart |
Bae-blade | Girlfriend |
Ninja Love Attack | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Sirina |
Download Complete | Nuisance |
Ducking | Frenemy |
Low Power Mode | Acquaintance |
Fri-end User License | Friendzone |
Turn Me On | Awkward Besties |
Face Recognition | Crush |
Smart Phone | Sweetheart |
Cloud 9 Computing | Girlfriend |
You Auto-Complete Me | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Catara |
Move It or Lose It | Nuisance |
No Time To Explain | Frenemy |
Make It Quick | Acquaintance |
Need For Speed | Friendzone |
Gotta Go Fast | Awkward Besties |
LightningCat! HO! | Crush |
Double Time | Sweetheart |
Fastest Thing Alive | Girlfriend |
Heart Racing | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Vellatrix |
Welcome to Snogwarts | Nuisance |
10 Points To Bread | Frenemy |
Shark On Fire | Acquaintance |
Intimate Scar | Friendzone |
Page 394 | Awkward Besties |
Wands Out | Crush |
Best Headmaster Ever | Sweetheart |
Something Wicked | Girlfriend |
Chamber of Secrets | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Peanut |
Face To Face | Nuisance |
Allergic Reaction | Frenemy |
Vote Of No Confidence | Acquaintance |
College Try | Friendzone |
Legume Bloom | Awkward Besties |
Crushed Peanuts | Crush |
Out Of Her Shell | Sweetheart |
Smooch Your Peanut | Girlfriend |
Best Wrong Number Ever | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Roxxy |
Just Dance | Nuisance |
Show Me Your Moves | Frenemy |
Is That All You Got | Acquaintance |
Drop The Beat | Friendzone |
Let's Get Fired Up | Awkward Besties |
Dance Machine | Crush |
Hips Don't Lie | Sweetheart |
Dancing Queen | Girlfriend |
Roxxy Roller | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Tessa |
Met You Love You | Nuisance |
Ruh-roh | Frenemy |
SQUIRREL! | Acquaintance |
Man's (Or Woman's) Best Friend | Friendzone |
No Take Only Throw | Awkward Besties |
Chase Me | Crush |
Scratch My Tummy | Sweetheart |
Ferocious Joy | Girlfriend |
I Knew I Loved You | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Claudia |
Not Interested | Nuisance |
This Guy Are Sick | Frenemy |
You'll Ruin The Flowers | Acquaintance |
Words Aren't The Only Way | Friendzone |
You Come Save Me, All Right? | Awkward Besties |
Those Chosen | Crush |
Smiling To The End | Sweetheart |
Break The Limits | Girlfriend |
Let's Mosey | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Rosa |
Gypsy's Curse | Nuisance |
Save The Orphans | Frenemy |
Evil Twin | Acquaintance |
Fight For Love | Friendzone |
Mama's Hips | Awkward Besties |
First Kiss Again | Crush |
Defy Your Fate | Sweetheart |
Two To Tango | Girlfriend |
Love Forever | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Juliet |
By Any Other Name | Nuisance |
Do You Bite Your Thumb? | Frenemy |
Fortune's Fool | Acquaintance |
That I Were A Glove | Friendzone |
Wherefore Art Thou Marshmallow | Awkward Besties |
You Kiss By The Book | Crush |
But Soft! | Sweetheart |
Thus With A Kiss | Girlfriend |
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Wendy |
HANGRY! | Nuisance |
Food Coma | Frenemy |
Hot Buns | Acquaintance |
30 Mins Or Less | Friendzone |
Honey On Honey | Awkward Besties |
Chocolate Dipped | Crush |
Whipped Cream Bikini | Sweetheart |
Cherry On Top | Girlfriend |
Dummy THICC | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Ruri |
Null Reference Exception | Nuisance |
403 Forbidden | Frenemy |
Connection Slow | Acquaintance |
Prompt Command | Friendzone |
Let's do screen-shots | Awkward Besties |
High Speed | Crush |
Sexy Math | Sweetheart |
Task Failed Successfully | Girlfriend |
Geeks In Love | Lover |
Name |
Relationship Level - Generica |
S H E' S H E R E | Nuisance |
T O W A R D T H E L I G H T | Frenemy |
S A V E H E R | Acquaintance |
You Haunt Me | Friendzone |
Carpe Diem | Awkward Besties |
That's The Spirit | Crush |
The Ghost With The Most | Sweetheart |
Forever Yours | Girlfriend |
Save Me From The Dark | Lover |
Job Achievements[]
Name |
Job Level - Fast Food |
Nice Buns | Bun Toaster |
Hydration Engineer | Onion Rehydrator |
Fursona | Mascot |
Earl Of Sandwich | Sandwich Artist |
Meat Master | Burger Meister |
Heat The Meat | Meat Manager |
Burger Baron | Hambaron |
Fryer Tuck | Fry Franchiser |
Lord Of The Meat | Beef Chief |
Name |
Job Level - Restaurant |
What'll It Be | Busser |
At Your Service | Waiter |
Service With A Smile | Server |
Hipster Friendly | Barista |
Sud Slinger | Bartender |
Fancy Pants | Garcon |
The Face Of The Place | Host |
Genuine Class | Maitre D |
The Scheduler | Shift Manager |
Like A Boss | Owner |
Name |
Job Level - Cleaning |
Clean Machine | Janitor |
Fancy Title | Custodial Engineer |
Swept Away | Chief Sweeper |
Fancier Title | Vomitorius Maximus |
Putting The Super In... | Superintendant |
Save Me From The Wee Turtles | Groundskeeper |
Time To Take Out The Trash | Garbageman |
Rest In Pieces | Undertaker |
Vacuum Sealed | Hazmat Specialist |
Heroes Of Disposal | Bomb Disposal |
Name |
Job Level - Lifeguard |
Work On Your Tan | Life Guard |
Patrol The Sands | Beach Patrol |
Faster Better Stronger Harder | Sexy Lifeguard |
Patrol The Waves | Surf And Protect |
Tubular Descent | Heli-Jumper |
Search AND Rescue | Search And Rescue |
55% More Guardness | Coast Guardian |
Save Lives Get Paid | Life Preserver |
Who Needs A Bigger Boat | Shark Puncher |
Less? Nay More! | Atlantean King |
Name |
Job Level - Art |
Pencil Jockey | Artist |
Sensitive | Painter |
Chiseled | Sculptor |
Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnnn! | Composer |
Pays Surprisingly Well | Inventor |
100000% More Pretense | Virtuoso |
Or Woman, Whatevs | Renaissance Man |
Fancy Words | Artiste |
The Fuel Of Great Art | Hype Machine |
Change The World | Iconoclast |
Name |
Job Level - Computers |
Eat Sleep Code | Programmer |
Have A Banana | IT Monkey |
Neeeeeeerrrrd! | Techie |
Spank The Script Kiddes | Hacker |
Best Of The Best | Engineer |
There There Bby | Computer Whisperer |
Skynetiquete | Cyberneticist |
The Future Is Now! | Futurist |
How Does One Apply? | Artificial Entity |
That Escalated Quickly | Singularity |
Name |
Job Level - Zoo |
Care For The Fuzzies | Veterinarian |
Cutest Job Ever | Puppy Rescuer |
Knitting Kittens | Kitten Rehabilitator |
Winking, Blinking, And Nod | Bunny Saver |
Meta Reference | Red Panda Helper |
Is Dees Mongooses? | Love An Otter |
Turtle Power! | Sea Turtle Savior |
Thhaaaaaannnkkk Yyooooouuuu | Whale Guardian |
Cure The Sadness | Red Panda Lord |
Do You Suppose Your Toes Are Bros? | Ark Commandant |
Name |
Job Level - Hunting |
Big Dawg | Bounty Hunter |
Boba Fetch | Mercenary |
Epic Job Title | Soldier Of Fortune |
Or Hitperson, If You Prefer | Hitman |
Heh Heh... Ass Ass... | Assassin |
In Blackest Night | Black-Ops |
The Fewest, The Proudest... | One Man Army |
Ham Wisher | Sliver Cell |
Whoa | The One |
What? | Chiroptera Hominin |
Name |
Job Level - Casino |
Know When To Hold 'Em | Gambler |
Funky Junkie | Slot Junkie |
Hit Me | Black Jacker |
Lucky Number 7's | Dice Master |
Sunglasses - Activate! | Pro Poker Player |
Critical Success! | High Stakes Roller |
The Luckiest Of Ducks! | Lucky Duck |
Definitely Definitely Good! | Reign Man |
A Sure Bet! | Sports Almanac |
Blow On The Dice! | God Of Gamblers |
Name |
Job Level - Sports |
Go Long! | Pro Athlete |
A Goalie In Other Words | Puck Catcher |
Babe | Baseball Hitter |
Touch Down! | Football Thrower |
MMA The Force Be With You | Face Puncher |
The Endorsiest! | Endorsement Getter |
The Real MVP! | Team Buyer |
I Can Has Franchise?! | Franchise Haver |
Don't Die! | Living Legend |
Participation Award! | Hall Of Famer |
Name |
Job Level - Legal |
Not The Airplane Jumping Kind | Paralegal |
Running Shoes | Ambulance Chaser |
Feeding Frenzy | Lawyer |
Please State For The Record | State Attorney |
YOU ARE THE LAW! | Judge Derp |
These Are Your Stories! | District Attorney |
Not Attorney Specific! | Attorney General |
Throw The Book! | The Law |
Court is in Session! | Supreme Justice |
Yip Yip! | Avatar Of Order. |
Name |
Job Level - Movies |
Consider A Second Job | Actor |
You Dib It! | Award Winning Actor |
Behind The Camera! | Actor / Director |
All The Difference! | Award Winning Director |
A True Visionary! | Auteur |
Your Own Wiki Page! | Cinematic Legend |
Fe na me na!! | Phenomenon |
No One Else Compares! | The Last Celebrity |
Burning Ball Of Gas! | Literally A Star |
Look it Up! | Cao Guojiu |
Name |
Job Level - Space |
Ground Control To Major You | Astronaut |
To Boldly Date | Starship Captain |
Daisy.. Daisy... | Star Child |
Exciting As It Sounds... | Space Surveyor |
Call Me Ed... | Star Searcher |
Might Take A While... | Infinite Explorer |
Alright Alright Alright... | Interstellar Commendant |
Large And in Charge... | Solar Emperor |
More Like Snore-verlord | Galactic Overlord |
OP... | Power Cosmic |
Name |
Job Level - Slaying |
Catch And Release | Demon Hunter |
Buff Ye For The Task Ahead | Vampire Slayer |
Burninating The Countryside | Dragon Killer |
Release The... You | Kracken Kracker |
No One Tosses A Titan! | Titan Tosser |
Cute Name, Scary Job | Planet Buster |
Do It | Star Destroy-Doer |
Can't Spell Diety Without D I E | Diety Destroyer |
How Many Can You Chuck? | Chuck Slayer |
ONE PUNCH! | Everything Slayer |
Name |
Job Level - Love |
The Doctor Is In | Love Doctor |
Guru To The Stars | Love Guru |
Q-Piddy In The Hizouse | Love Fairy |
Love Conquers All | Love God |
Love Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings | Loveicus Prime |
The Love-inator | Cupid |
A Saucy Title | Love Maker |
We Need A Hang Glider... | The Unity |
Spelled Forward Or Backwards | Eros |
Amor Vincit Omnia | Aphrodome |
Name |
Job Level - Wizard |
Do You Believe In Magic? | Wizard |
You're A Hairy Wizard | Hairy Wizard |
Very Very | Very Hairy Wizard |
Or Is It Philosopher? | Sorcerer |
More Is More | More-cerer |
It's Probably Latin | Magus Awesomus |
Leviosaaaaaa | Grand Magus |
Attack The Darkness! | Archmage |
Very Supportive | Arch Archmage |
The Magic Words | Sorcerer Supremo |
Name |
Job Level - Grave Digger |
A Job Most Macabre? | Grave Digger |
Domm Rooms | Cemetary Dredger |
Coffin All Day | Burial Builder |
Dead Ends | Cemetary Settler |
A Tisket A Casket | Crypt Keeper |
All That Remains | Mausoleum Maker |
Dead Tired | Catacomb Crafter |
R.I.P. In Peace | Sepulcher Scooper |
That's All Folks | Ruin Revealer |
The Anti-Raider | Tomb Exhumer |
Hobby Achievements[]
Name |
Hobby Level - |
You're Number 1! | Reach level 1 in all hobbies. |
You're So Talented | Reach level 5 in all hobbies. |
10 Out Of 10 | Reach level 10 in all hobbies. |
Jack Of All Trades | Reach level 20 in all hobbies. |
Large And In Charge | Reach level 30 in all hobbies. |
Master Of All | Reach level 40 in all hobbies. |
Magnificent | Reach level 50 in all hobbies. |
Can't spell sixty without S, X, Y | Reach level 60 in all hobbies. |
Lucky number 70 | Reach level 70 in all hobbies. |
Experienced | Reach level 75 in all hobbies. |
Name |
Requirement |
Related Skill |
Do I Amuse You | Unlock the Party hobby | Funny |
Pump You Up | Unlock the Surfing hobby | Buff |
Hack The Internet | Unlock the Gaming hobby | Techsavvy |
Love Me Tender | Unlock the Sketching hobby | Tenderness |
Montage Time | Unlock the Protesting hobby | Motivation |
Brains Over Brawn | Unlock the University hobby | Smart |
Bad Boy / Girl / Other | Unlock the Bow Hunting hobby | Badass |
Up All Night To Get Lucky | Unlock the Sky Diving hobby | Lucky |
The Big Bang | Unlock the Brooding hobby | Angst |
Look Within | Unlock the Meditation hobby | Wisdom |
Who Was That Masked... marshmallow? | Unlock the Vigilantism hobby | Mysterious |
Miscellaneous Achievements[]
Name |
Requirement - |
Speed Dating | Play for 15 min. |
Power Hour | Play for 1 hour. |
Work Day | Play for 8 hours. |
Bauer Hours | Play for 24 hours. |
Dawn Of The Third Day | Play for 72 hours. |
Overtime | Play for 150 hours. |
AAA Length | Play for 333 hours. |
28 Days Later | Play for 672 hours. |
Patience | Play for 888 hours. |
Long Term Relationship | Play for 1111 hours. |
1 Day On Mercury | Play for 4222 hours. |
1 Year On Venus | Play for 5832 hours. |
Put A Ring On It | Play for a year. |
Name |
Requirement |
All About The Benjamin | Earn a lifetime total of $100 dollars. |
10K 4 U | Earn a lifetime total of $10,000. |
Millionaire! | Earn a lifetime total of $1,000,000. |
Moving On Up | Earn a lifetime total of $100,000,000. |
Slush Funds | Earn a lifetime total of $10,000,000,000. |
The Implication | Earn a lifetime total of $1,000,000,000,000. |
So Much Money | Earn a lifetime total of $100,000,000,000,000. |
Work/Life Balance | Earn a lifetime total of $10,000,000,000,000,000. |
About Sending A Message | Earn a lifetime total of $1,000,000,000,000,000,000. |
You're Rich | Earn a lifetime total of $100,000,000,000,000,000,000. |
Name |
Requirement |
In The Bank! | Have $1,000,000 in the bank. |
Stack'em High | Have $100,000,000 in the bank. |
Rolling In Dough | Have $10,000,000,000 in the bank. |
Making It Rain | Have $1,000,000,000,000 in the bank. |
Wow, That's A Lot Of Money | Have $100,000,000,000,000 in the bank. |
Basically Meaningless | Have $10,000,000,000,000,000 in the bank. |
All The Moneys | Have $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 in the bank. |
Quite The Capitalist | Have $100,000,000,000,000,000,000 in the bank. |
Name |
Requirement |
Date-able | Go on a total of 10 Dates. |
Date Date Revolution | Go on a total of 100 Dates. |
The Great Dater | Go on a total of 1000 Dates. |
Dating Machine | Go on a total of 10000 Dates. |
Date-a-mancer | Go on a total of 100000 Dates. |
Name |
Requirement |
Modest | Give a total of 10 Gifts. |
Generous | Give a total of 100 Gifts. |
Lavish | Give a total of 1000 Gifts. |
Magnanimous | Give a total of 10000 Gifts. |
OG | Give a total of 100000 Gifts. |
Name |
Requirement |
<3<3<3 | Tap for a total of 100 hearts. |
Special Feelings | Tap for a total of 1000 hearts. |
Affectionate | Tap for a total of 10000 hearts. |
Valentines | Tap for a total of 100000 hearts. |
Beloved | Tap for a total of 1000000 hearts. |
Casanova | Tap for a total of 10000000 hearts. |
Tap That | Tap for a total of 100000000 hearts. |
Ace Of Hearts | Tap for a total of 1000000000 hearts. |
Name |
Requirement |
The Crusher Has Become The Crushed | You sacrificed yourself to save the world! |
Crush Crushed | You let someone sacrificed herself to save the world! |
Name |
Requirement |
Futile | Reset for no bonus |
One Step Back | Earn 64 Reset Boost |
Two Steps Forward | Earn 128 Reset Boost |
Back To The Past | Earn 256 Reset Boost |
Be Excellent To Each Other | Earn 512 Reset Boost |
Groundhog Effect | Earn 1024 Reset Boost |
Time Lord | Earn 2048 Reset Boost |
Name |
Requirement |
Credit Where It's Due | You didn't skip the credits! Kudos! |
- [v0.95] Fumi's Lover Achievement has been changed to "Amor Omnium Reus" instead of "Amor Vincit Omnia" to prevent the Achievement Clashing on Lover Job achievement and Fumi Lover Achievement. On Steam the achievement for Fumi somehow isn't changed yet.
- Smoothest Launch Evar achievement gave you to unlock Lingerie Outfit for All Girls in
- Smoothest Launch Evar achievement was removed in the first half of 2020.
- In the Kongregate version of the game there is not the Event: Smoothest Launch Evar achievement. Also, the Reset Boost achievements are not visible in the Kongregate version, although the 410 number would imply they are counted.
Many of the achievement names make references to other media:
- Cassie
- Damn With Praise (often "damn with faint praise") is the act of praising someone so mildly, as if you have to search for something good to say about them, that it is interpreted as criticism.
- Grew Three Sizes That Day refers to the ending of the story "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", where the Grinch's heart, initially two sizes too small, "grew three sizes that day."
- Ermegerd! references this meme.
- Mio
- Crush Crush Crushed – meta humour.
- Heart Plus Plus - In computer programming, C++ is a programming language.
- Digital Love - Digital Love is also the name of a song by Daft Punk.
- Quill
- Cats Out Of The Bag (often "the cat's out of the bag) refers to the reveal of something that was hidden. Often when a surprise is revealed before it is supposed to be.
- I Can Has Forgiveness – lolcats reference. "i can has cheezburger" was a site that collected lolcat memes.
- Cat Scratch Fever is the title track of an album by Ted Nugent.
- Elle
- Sweet Dreams Are Made On These is a slight variation on the lyrics to the Eurhythmics song, Sweet Dreams.
- Iro
- Heart Of Gold is the title of a song by Neil Young. By a coincidence attributed to its Infinite Improbability Drive, Heart of Gold is also the name of a shoe-shaped spacecraft in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- Nina
- Dat Accent is a variation on "dat ass".
- Alpha
- Tis But A Scratch – From Monty Python and the Holy Grail, when King Arthur fights the Black Knight. We'll call it a draw.
- Pamu
- Keep Your Frenemies Closest – "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
- Magic With Benefits is a variation on "Friends with benefits", where the "benefits" are typically sexual in nature.
- Love Is A 4 Letter Word – Many offensive terms in the English language are spelled with four letters. "Four-letter word" is used as a euphemism to avoid saying the offending word.
- Eva
- Berserker – as with all of Eva's achievements, this is a reference to Neon Genesis Evangelion and related media. When the pilot is emotionally distraught, the mecha may go into berserker mode.
- The Hedgehog's Dilemma – title of one of the episodes of Evangelion, and a metaphor for difficulty in human intimacy.
- Genesis – Literally, "beginning", but also included in the title Neon Genesis Evangelion.
- You Mustn't Run Away is a parody of the Rebuild of Evangelion movie titles, You Are (Not) Alone, You Can (Not) Advance, and You Can (Not) Redo.
- Alternatively, it is a reference to the protagonist of the series, whose immediate reaction to any pressure is to run away.
- Fly Me To The Moon is the end song of the series.
- Major Impact is a parody of "Second Impact" and "Third Impact" – cataclysmic events in the series.
- Instrumental – Instrumentality is the stated goal of a major organization in Evangelion.