Crush Crush Wikia
EventCGs01 generica

Generica is the non-playable* eighth girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked after having level 12 at the Sketching (Tenderness) hobby. Introduced as your high school crush whom you just confessed your love to, she is quickly murdered by the actual playable eighth girl, Ayeka.

She returns as a ghost in the Phone Update, where she is unlocked when Ayeka is at Frenemy level.

*Generica was chosen as a winner of Vote-a-Fling Season 2 and has been turned into a fully Date-able girl along with Wendy and Ruri. Generica is the third of the Season 2 winners to be released, becoming the thirty-ninth girl in the game's main tab. Her date-able character is unlocked after finishing her Phone Fling and completing her LTE (Event #119) or purchasing her from the Store page if you miss the event. She is not part of the main story, and you do not need to unlock any other girls to obtain her.


Generica is based on Kokona Haruka, who was the test rival in the game Yandere Simulator, but they are not meant to be the same person.

Little to nothing is known about her personality in her first Crush Crush appearance other than she returned your feelings.

However, in the Phone Fling update, she is a bit creepy (most likely due to dying before confessing). She also holds a grudge against the person who killed her (Ayeka), though she doesn't know who did it. Her texting is all-caps with spaces between letters (e.g. M A R) and extra spaces between words.


Except where pauses are indicated, Generica's replies take anywhere from 5 seconds to 1 minute. Generica's spacing in between words varies, but for simplicity, they are all transcribed here with three spaces.

First Conversation[]

A lonely spirit reconnects with you from beyond the grave, but just who is it?

Progress SFW chat NSFW chat
1/34 M A R
2/34 S H M
3/34 A L L
4/34 O W - - -
(A) That is generally the gender neutral term used to refer to me in this game. Can I help you? Well that's creepy.
(B) There had better be some sexy thumbs or something on the other side of this text...
Yes? Who's this? Or should I say W H O I S T H I S??
There had better be some nice tits on the other side of this text.
5/34 I
6/34 M I S S S S S
7/34 Y O U
8/34 I
9/34 W A A A A N T
10/34 Y O U
11/34 I
12/34 N E E E E E E E D
13/34 Y O U
(A) If this is some sort of marketing stunt, I'm going to strongly consider complaining about it online. I stand corrected. THAT'S creepy.
(B) Who is this? Is this QPiddy? QPiddy, you're drunk. Go home! Sleep it off! W H A T - T H E - F U U C K????
Pause 2 hour pause
14/34 I
15/34 A M
16/34 D E A D
17/34 I
18/34 A M
19/34 L O N E L Y
20/34 I
21/34 A M
22/34 G E N E
23/34 R I C A
(A) Oh my gosh! Generica?! Is that really you? Wait! Generica? As in - the girl I professed my love to who mysteriously disappeared?
(B) Wait! Generica? As in - the girl I professed my love to who mysteriously disappeared? Wait - Generica is dead? Did I miss that cut scene? Shit!
24/34 Y E S
25/34 I   L O V E   Y O U
26/34 C A N' T
27/34 D I E
28/34 T O O
29/34 M U C H
30/34 L O V E
(A) If this is a trick, I'm going to be super pissed. I'm maxing my Badass stat and coming to find you. Alright, I'll bite. Not sure if I buy the whole ghost thing, but let's see your proof and go from there.
(B) Pics or it didn't happen. Generica had an amazing rack. I'm afraid you'll need proof to back your claim.
31/34 Y E S
32/34 I   S E N D   P I C T U R E
Pause 5 hour pause
33/34 H E R E   I   A M
34/34 [Generica photo 1]
(A) Generica! You're a ghost! And you're hot!
(B) Oh Generica... You're still as beautiful as I remember. My junk is so confused right now.
1/26 O H   M A R S H M A L L O W
2/26 I   A M   S O R R Y
3/26 I   W A N T E D   T O
4/26 B E   W I T H   Y O U
5/26 B U T
6/26 I   W A S
7/26 M U R D E R E D
(A) Holy heck! You were killed? Who did this to you???
(B) Tell me who did this to you! Whoa, THAT'S a mood killer for sure. Although, honestly, only a little. Who did this to you?
8/26 I   D O N' T   K N O W
9/26 E V I L
10/26 G I R L B I T C H
11/26 S H E   S T O L E
12/26 E V E R Y T H I N G
13/26 I   A M   S A D   F O R E V E R
14/26 I   A M   U G L Y
(A) You're beautiful. And an excellent texter. Are you on a ghost phone? Did your battery die? Don't be sad. You're the hottest ghost I've ever seen. Ghosts don't have a reputation for being hot.
(B) Don't you talk about my ghost girl like that. She's drop dead gorgeous. Not.... really. I mean I'm not super into the necrophilia thing, but my world views are getting challenged here.
15/26 H A H A H A
16/26 Y O U   M A K E   M E
17/26 F E E L
18/26 G O O O O O O D
Pause 5 hour pause
19/26 I   W A N T   T O   M A K E
20/26 Y O U   F E E L
21/26 G O O O O O O D
(A) I'm here for you Generica. My feelings have only grown stronger. Tell me what I can do. I was hoping you'd say that. Although perhaps with less spooky-spaces between your words...
(B) If it will help you find peace, I will do anything. Seriously. Okay, I'm super into the "busting ghosts" thing now. What would you like me to do?
22/26 I   W A N T   Y O U
23/26 T O   T O U C H
24/26 M E
Pause 1 day pause
25/26 L I K E   T H I S
26/26 [Generica photo 2] [NSFW photo]
(A) I am touching you, Generica. My fingers run softly down your body. I pull you close to me.
(B) Just FYI - that's a super pretty bra. Were you going to wear that on our date? I hope so. Now I'm wondering about the physics of munching on ghost titties. This is a good day.
1/14 O H   Y E S
2/14 H A P P Y   Y O U   L I K E
(A) Was there anything else you wanted to do? What was your #1 fantasy?
(B) I want to kiss you. I want to fulfill your dreams. What's next? My junk is still confused, but it's happy confused now.
3/14 M Y   D R E A M   W A S
4/14 Y O U   H O L D I N G   M E
5/14 T O U C H I N G   M E
6/14 H A V I N G   M E
7/14 A G A I N S T   L O C K E R S
8/14 K I S S   M E
9/14 S U C K   M E
Pause 5 hour pause
10/14 B E
11/14 M Y
12/14 F I R S T
Pause 1 day 16 hour pause
13/14 H E R E
14/14 [Generica photo 3] [NSFW photo]
(A) I pin you to the lockers. I kiss your body. I touch you until you cry out with pleasure.
(B) I pull your skirt down and make love to you. I fuck your ghost brains out.
1/∞ Y E S
2/∞ I
3/∞ A M
4/∞ H A P P Y
5/∞ I
6/∞ A M
7/∞ T I N G L I N G C U M M I N G
8/∞ I
9/∞ A M
10/v D Y I N G
(A) I love you Generica. This has been the best, weirdest thing. I don't suppose you'd want to come haunt my house or something?
(B) Be at peace, Generica. Well, now I've sexted a ghost. Even for me, that's noteable.
11/∞ I   L O V E   Y O U
12/∞ M A R
13/∞ S H M
14/∞ A L L
15/∞ O W <3
16/∞ G O O D   B Y E
17/∞ ...
18/∞ F O R   N O W

Second Conversation[]

Generica's second conversation is unlocked when you reach Crush level with Ayeka.

Progress SFW chat NSFW chat
1/28 A R E
2/28 Y O U
3/28 T H E R E
4/28 I
5/28 A M
6/28 S C A R E D
(A) Generica! Babe, what's wrong?
(B) Typo? Did you mean to write "S C A R Y"?
7/28 (A) M Y
8/28 (A) L O V E
(B) Y O U
9/28 (A) I T   I S   Y O U
(B) M A K E
10/28 (A) T H A N K   G O O O O D N E S S
(B) M E   L A U G H
11/28 I   A M
12/28 F A D I n g
(A) Oh no... Are you... Dying?
(B) Aren't ghosts supposed to fade? Like in and out?
13/28 (A) ...
14/28 (A) I   T H I N K   S O
(B) F A D I N G   A W A Y
15/28 I   T R I E D
16/28 T O   F I N D
17/28 Y O U
18/28 B U T
19/28 T O O   M U C H
20/28 D A R K N E S S
(A) Generica, no! How can I help you? Don't give up!
(B) That suuuuuucks. Is there anything I can do?
21/28 (A) I   W I L L   T R Y
(B) I   D O N' T   K N O W
22/28 J U S T
23/28 W A N T E D   O N E
24/28 M O R E   C H A N C E
25/28 T O   L O V E
26/28 Y O U
Pause 1 hour pause
27/28 H E R E. . .
28/28 [Generica photo 4] [NSFW photo]
1/32 R E M E M B E R   M E
(A) No Generica. You remember ME! I'm not giving up on you! There's that fear+aroused sensation again.
(B) Hold on. There's gotta be something weird or shmaltzy we can try... Damn, I want to kiss that stomach, and suck those nipples...
2/32 (A) P L E A S E
(B) Y O U   M E A N
(A) Y E S
(B) I   W A N T   Y O U
3/32 (A) H U R R Y
(B) M A G I C A L?
(A) I   F E E L   I T   T O O
(B) M A K E   L O V E
4/32 s a v e   m e
(A) There's gotta be some magical mumbo jumbo I can use...
(B) I mean, I turned a hologram into a person. This should be do-able...
5/32 (A) Y E S
(B) I   D O N' T
6/32 (A) T R Y   M A G I C
(B) U N D E R S T A N D
7/32 (A) Y O U   A R E   S O
(B) W H A T   I S   A
9/32 t h e r e   i s
10/32 a   S P E L L
11/32 Y O U   N E E D
12/32 C A N D L E S
13/32 S P I R I T   B O A R D
14/32 H A U N T E D   P H O N E
(A) I'll try, just hold on!
(B) Check, check, and check. My pantry is oddly well stocked.
15/32 (A) I ' L L
(B) T H A T' S   W H A T
16/32 (A) T R Y
(B) S H E   S A I D
(A) (Try magic spell.)
(B) (Grab a bite to eat first.)
17/32 (A) I   F E E L . . .
(B) N O T H I N G   Y E T...
(A) What happened?
(B) Sorry! What did I do???
19/32 (A) I   F E L T   Y O U
(B) H A I R   P U L L E D
20/32 V E I L
21/32 T O O   P O W E R F U L
22/32 :"(
(A) There's gotta be a way to weaken it...
(B) Gotta make the spell stronger...
23/32 (A) H U R R Y
(B) P L E A S E
(A) Where does that stairway behind you go?
(B) Do you happen to see any bright lights?
24/32 (A) T H A T   G O E S
(B) Y E S
25/32 (A) T O   T H E
(B) A B O V E
26/32 (A) L I G H T
(B) S O   B R I G H T
27/32 I T ' S   B O O T I F U L
(A) Try getting close to the light, but DON'T GO IN!
(B) Well, I'm not sure what else to try, so try that.
28/32 (A) O K A Y
(B) I   W I L L
29/32 O H
30/32 M A R S H M A L L O W
Pause 1 day pause
31/32 L O O K   A T   I T
32/32 [Generica photo 5] [NSFW photo]
1/19 I T' S   W O N D E R F U L
2/19 I T' S   T A K I N G   M E
3/19 T O   P I E C E S
(A) No my love! Don't go! Wow, your butt looks amazing... I mean, STOP!
(B) No! Bad ghost! Don't go into the light! No! That light is after your incredible ghost body! Resist!
4/19 (A) I' M   S O   S O R R Y
(B) I T' S   P U L L I N G   M E
(A) T H A N K   Y O U   <3
(B) I T   F E E L S   A M A Z I N G
5/19 D O N' T   F O R G E T   M E
(A) Imagine I'm there! Imagine I'm holding you! Touch yourself! Imagine it's me doing it!
(B) No. I'm kissing you. My hands are on your face... You feel my lips going down on you...
6/19 ...
Pause 1 day pause
7/19 M O R E
(A) I'm running my fingers through your hair... My fingers caress your soft nipples. You get goosebumps...
(B) I breath softly on your neck, kissing it softly... I start licking your entire body...
8/19 (A) I
(B) O H   P L E A S E
(A) Y E S
(B) O H   Y E S
9/19 (A) F E E L   I T
(B) K I S S   M E
(A) I   W A N T   I T
(B) I   N E E D   I T
10/19 M O R E!
(A) I kiss you over and over. I lift your skirt and have my way.
(B) I hold you close to me, and never let go. My fingers are inside you now...
11/19 (A) K I S S
(B) I   F E E L   Y O U
(B) I T' S   S O   G O O D
12/19 YES!
13/19 MORE!
(A) (Try the magic now.)
(B) (Cast it like a boss.)
14/19 (A) OH   MY   LOVE
(B) OH   YES!
15/19 I'M   NOT   GOING!
19/19 [Generica photo 6] [NSFW photo]

Dialogue List[]

First Meeting[]

  1. Knowing that Generica is counting on you, you decide to pervert the natural order and perform a dark seance to raise her from the dead. Placing your phone on the Ouija board, you call upon her spirit, and...
  2. All the laws of nature and science - CRUSHED!
  3. Generica emerges from the board... Not so much risen from the dead. She hisses a very scary, "S E N P A I!!!!" and reaches for your hand, sending chills up your spine.
  4. Your ghostly girl pulls back her hand, realizing she is still very much terrifiying. Looks like you'll have to find another way to restore her to life. Good luck with that!


  • *creepy ghost sounds*


  • S A V E       M E
  • I   S E E  L I V I N G  P E O P L E.
  • S O     T H I R S T Y       S O     T A S T Y
  • C   O   L   D


  • S O   E M B A R R A S S I N G  Y O U R   H A N D   W E N T   R I G H T   T H R O U G H.


  • *G H O S T L Y   S H R I E K!!*

Upgrade to Nuisance[]

  1. Y O U   A R E   S T I L L   T R Y I N G   T O   S A V E   M E? [...]
  2. S W E E E E E E T


  • B O O


  • I   W I S H   I   H A D   FE E T.
  • I   R E M E M B E R... A       LET TER...
  • I S   I T     M E??     O R   D O   I   S O U N D   K I N D   O F   C R E E E E P Y?
  • D O   Y O U         S T I L L       L I K E     M E?
  • Y O U   M A K E   M E   F E E L   A L I V E


  • *creepy ghost sounds*
  • M Y     I N S I D E S     F E E L     T I N G L Y.


  • *G H O S T L Y   S H R I E K!!*

Upgrade to Frenemy[]

  1. Y O U   A R E   S T A R T I N G   T O   R U N   A W A Y   L E S S... [...]
  2. T H A N K   Y O U   I   F E E L   M O R E   A N D   M O R E   L I K E   M E


  • I ' M   G O I N G   T O   S Q U E E Z E   T H E   L I F E   O U T   O F   Y O U. I N  A   N I C E W A Y.


  • I   W I S H   I   H A D   FE E T.
  • I   R E M E M B E R... A       LET TER...
  • I S   I T     M E??     O R   D O   I   S O U N D   K I N D   O F   C R E E E E P Y?
  • D O   Y O U         S T I L L       L I K E     M E?
  • Y O U   M A K E   M E   F E E L   A L I V E


  • *creepy ghost sounds*
  • M Y     I N S I D E S     F E E L     T I N G L Y.


  • *G H O S T L Y   S H R I E K!!*

Upgrade to Acquaintance[]

  1. I   T H I N K   A B O U T   Y O U   E V E R Y   D A Y   A N D   N I G H T [...]
  2. A N D     P A N C A K E S       F O R     S O M E     R E A S O N


  • M U S T         N O T     C R A W L       O U T     O F     TV...


  • I   W I S H   I   H A D   FE E T.
  • I   R E M E M B E R... A       LET TER...
  • I S   I T     M E??     O R   D O   I   S O U N D   K I N D   O F   C R E E E E P Y?
  • D O   Y O U         S T I L L       L I K E     M E?
  • Y O U   M A K E   M E   F E E L   A L I V E


  • *creepy ghost sounds*
  • M Y     I N S I D E S     F E E L     T I N G L Y.


  • *G H O S T L Y   S H R I E K!!*

Upgrade to Friendzone[]

  1. I     W A N T     T O     B E   H U M A N     A G A I N.     I   W A N T   T O   S T A N D   B Y   Y O U. [...]
  2. I ' M T R Y I N G... S... Sen...pai...


  • H O W... are you... T O D A Y?


  • N E V E R   L E A V E     M E... *ahem* whoops, sorry. The ghost voice is like an offensive accent. I REALLY want to stop, but it just sorts of slips in. Please excuse me!
  • I think it's starting to work! Whatever it is you're doing. This is the first time I haven't felt an unbearable urge to jump scare you in a mirror! Progress!
  • I think I'm starting to feel better. And by that, I really mean 'feel' better. Everything doesn't feel like icicles stabbing me. This morning a pillow felt fluffy, and I almost cried.
  • I bet you'd look really cute as a ghost! Oh! Not - not that I want you to die! I want you to live forever! Haha! Oh dear...
  • UMM - sorry I 'floated' into the bathroom while you were showering! Being incorporeal is very discombobulating. I really liked your, umm, shower curtains though! Yay! Froggies!
  • I've seen a young priest and an old priest skulking around lately. I hope they're not here to ask me if I've found "cheese and rice" again. Which is an odd combo, just to be clear.


  • *creepy ghost sounds*
  • M Y     I N S I D E S     F E E L     T I N G L Y.


  • T H A A A N K       Y O U

Upgrade to Awkward Besties[]

  1. I think I'm getting better at speaking normally again.
    D O   Y O U.. Argh... Um... Do you think you could keep helping me? [...]
  2. T H A N K... I mean; Thank you. Please continue to help me, Senpai. Hehehe, do you mind me calling you that? It makes me smile.

Awkward Besties[]

  • I think I'm starting to get the hang of this "friendly ghost" stuff. Cats have stopped hissing at me, and holy water only burns a smidge.


  • Being a ghost is not so bad! I never stub my toe, or get sunburned. I just wish that I could hold your hand... Just once...
  • Would you say I'm 'hauntingly' beautiful! Hahaha! Wait, that's a really odd and sort of sad expression, now that I think about it.
  • I'm still not sure who was responsible for my death... But if I find her... I will doom her to an eternity of bad haircuts and warm soda. OOooOO!
  • I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I'm not even alive.
  • Well, if I'm stuck as a ghost forever, I think the best use of my time is looking for my SOUL mate. Tee hee! I'm lame.
  • I feel young again when you're close to me. I mean, I know I'm still technically young but being alive feels liken a lifetime ago.
  • Quick! There are a bunch of exterminator-looking guys outside with proton packs on. I am not pushing my luck today. Can you make them go away?


  • *creepy ghost sounds*
  • M Y     I N S I D E S     F E E L     T I N G L Y.


  • Oh! Thank you so much I promise not to haunt this for all eternity!

Upgrade to Crush[]

  1. Hey sweetie! You'll be happy to hear that I didn't haunt, spook, or creep anyone today! Pretty great, huh? [...]
  2. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crawl out of a well. Don't ask, it's a ghost thing.


  • Senpai! I tried to make some food before you got here but possessing a stove isn't as easy as you think.


  • Being a ghost is not so bad! I never stub my toe, or get sunburned. I just wish that I could hold your hand... Just once...
  • Would you say I'm 'hauntingly' beautiful! Hahaha! Wait, that's a really odd and sort of sad expression, now that I think about it.
  • I'm still not sure who was responsible for my death... But if I find her... I will doom her to an eternity of bad haircuts and warm soda. OOooOO!
  • I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I'm not even alive.
  • Well, if I'm stuck as a ghost forever, I think the best use of my time is looking for my SOUL mate. Tee hee! I'm lame.
  • I feel young again when you're close to me. I mean, I know I'm still technically young but being alive feels liken a lifetime ago.
  • Quick! There are a bunch of exterminator-looking guys outside with proton packs on. I am not pushing my luck today. Can you make them go away?


  • Hahaha! Oh Senpai. You know you can't tickle me, but I appreciate the effort.
  • Oooh! I was going to try tickling you back, but then I remembered my touch feels like freezing fire if I'm not careful...
  • Aww heck, I'm just going to pretend. HAHAHAA!


  • Oh Senpai, this is so very kind! I wonder if we destroy it, will it turn into a ghost itself? Should we try?

Upgrade to Sweetheart[]

  1. I just can't stop thinking about how well we would "fit" together if I was whole. Your arm would fit PERFECTLY around my waist! [...]
  2. Isn't it neat how some people can seem like they're... Made for each other? If only...


  • You know... I just noticed how much cats and ghosts have in common. We're both mostly nocturnal, we're low-key dangerous, and we knock stuff over when we don't get enough attention. Hmm!


  • So, it was sort of challenging, but I possessed a broom and swept the kitchen. Next up - possessing the lawn mower!
  • EEEK! Oh gosh, I scared myself in the mirror again. I'm literally the worst ghost ever.
  • The next time it snows, let's make some snowmen. Then I'll haunt them and have them chase people. Hahaha! Won't that be fun?
  • Hey! I just found out if you say my name three times really quickly, I get teleported directly to you! Apparently this is a ghost thing? What fun!
  • I just can't hide anything from you Senpai, you just see right through me. HAHAHA! Oh wow, why did that tickle me so much?
  • I've been trying to come up with more ghost puns, so I have things to say at social gatherings. How does this sound? *ahem* Let's shake our BOO-tays!
  • Hey! Looking for someone to snuggle up with on the couch and watch movies? Me too! I can even haunt the couch and give you the ultimate full-body hug! Yay!
  • Ugh! I'm supposed to haunt an abandoned amusement park today. Stupid Ghost Union. Oh whoops! I think I've said too much... Well, toodaloo!
  • I'm hugging you in my mind. And it's the thought that counts, right? Hahaha! *sigh*
  • I'm trying to figure out a sweet romantic way to say that I'll haunt you forever. But they all come off mega threatening. Let me know if you have any ideas.
  • Those distant cries you sometimes hear on a cold breeze are indeed ghosts. It's just that we're getting *caught* in that breeze, and blown around like confetti. It is NOT as fun as it sounds.
  • At least no one can accuse you of dating me just for my body! Because... That's been cremated and tastefully disposed of. Oh wow, can I get a do-over on that one?
  • What's a lady ghost's most attractive feature? Her BOO-bies! Hahaha! Oh come on, it's funny!


  • Hahaha! Oh Senpai. You know you can't tickle me, but I appreciate the effort.
  • Oooh! I was going to try tickling you back, but then I remembered my touch feels like freezing fire if I'm not careful...
  • Aww heck, I'm just going to pretend. HAHAHAA!


  • You spoil me Senpai! I wish I could buy you gifts in return, but none of the stores are accepting my ghost credit cards.

Upgrade to Girlfriend[]

  1. I know things are a little rough right now, but next Halloween we are going to win ALL the costume contests! [...]
  2. You can dress up as a Ghostbuster if you'd like. But... Be aware that the term "ghost buster" is a bit of a double entendre. Hahaha!


  • I overheard someone say that they got "ghosted", and I kind of find that term offensive. The point of ghosts is that we DON'T go away. So rude.


  • So, it was sort of challenging, but I possessed a broom and swept the kitchen. Next up - possessing the lawn mower!
  • EEEK! Oh gosh, I scared myself in the mirror again. I'm literally the worst ghost ever.
  • The next time it snows, let's make some snowmen. Then I'll haunt them and have them chase people. Hahaha! Won't that be fun?
  • Hey! I just found out if you say my name three times really quickly, I get teleported directly to you! Apparently this is a ghost thing? What fun!
  • I just can't hide anything from you Senpai, you just see right through me. HAHAHA! Oh wow, why did that tickle me so much?
  • I've been trying to come up with more ghost puns, so I have things to say at social gatherings. How does this sound? *ahem* Let's shake our BOO-tays!
  • Hey! Looking for someone to snuggle up with on the couch and watch movies? Me too! I can even haunt the couch and give you the ultimate full-body hug! Yay!
  • Ugh! I'm supposed to haunt an abandoned amusement park today. Stupid Ghost Union. Oh whoops! I think I've said too much... Well, toodaloo!
  • I'm hugging you in my mind. And it's the thought that counts, right? Hahaha! *sigh*
  • I'm trying to figure out a sweet romantic way to say that I'll haunt you forever. But they all come off mega threatening. Let me know if you have any ideas.
  • Those distant cries you sometimes hear on a cold breeze are indeed ghosts. It's just that we're getting *caught* in that breeze, and blown around like confetti. It is NOT as fun as it sounds.
  • At least no one can accuse you of dating me just for my body! Because... That's been cremated and tastefully disposed of. Oh wow, can I get a do-over on that one?
  • What's a lady ghost's most attractive feature? Her BOO-bies! Hahaha! Oh come on, it's funny!


  • Hahaha! Oh Senpai. You know you can't tickle me, but I appreciate the effort.
  • Oooh! I was going to try tickling you back, but then I remembered my touch feels like freezing fire if I'm not careful...
  • Aww heck, I'm just going to pretend. HAHAHAA!


  • You spoil me Senpai! I wish I could buy you gifts in return, but none of the stores are accepting my ghost credit cards.

Upgrade to Lover[]

  1. So you're saying... If this magic potion works, I might be... Alive again? And we can be together?? Oh Senpai, I'm so nervous! What if it doesn't work!? [...]
  2. I... I feel strange... OH MY GOSH! Are those - are those legs?!?


  • Boo! Ha! I'm scary!
  • I need your help! I need to return all these shoes to the shoe store. I may have gone a little overboard shopping today...
  • Ouch! I ran into the wall again. Of all the things I have to get used to, being alive again, I didn't expect common sense to be one of them...
  • This is going to sound really lame, but... Ghosts skirts don't twirl. And for some reason I really missed doing that. So... Whee!
  • You're here! Hold my hand please, you have no idea how much I've missed human touch.
  • (Naked) Oh, hey Senpai! So I'm still naked, in case you hadn't noticed. Umm... You know that feeling when you don't know what to do with your hands? I got that MEGA bad right now.
  • (Naked) I - I hope you like what you see...
  • (Naked) Hey! Want to do naked things together? It's an opportune moment, in case you couldn't tell.


  • I REALLY hope you don't get tired of affection. I just... I just don't think I can flip that switch off, you know?
  • I don't want to be a drama llama or anything, but I think it says something when not even death can keep us apart. I mean... That's creepy, but also kind of special, right?
  • Eeee! I just have to kiss you! I love you so so so so much!
  • I just want you to know that you make me feel so special, Senpai. I could never have guessed our relationship would work out this way, but part of me is happy it has.
  • I gotta say - ghosts aren't really represented very well in the media, hey? Except that Kasper fellow. I wonder who his publicist is...
  • Oh darling... Everytime I think I couldn't be more in love with you, you do something that leaves me breathless...
  • Oh look! Someone threw rose petals all over the floor and lit all these candles! Wait - this isn't an exorcism or something, is it? IS IT???
  • You've shown me that even in death it's possible to find true love. But, like, spiritual love. Not the... You know... Necrophilia kind.
  • I'm not sure how you do it, but everytime I look at you, I feel like I fall deeper in love with you...
  • (Naked) I mean, when I was a ghost, I was super tempted to go inside you. It would only be fair if, you know... You felt similarly...
  • (Naked) You know, even when I was a ghost, people would ask me if they're real. And yes they are, in case you were wondering. Hahaha!
  • (Naked) Can you... Just touch me for a while? You can even poke my face or whatever. Everything you do feels amazing.
  • (Naked) I want you to explore me. Touch every part of me. Kiss every inch. But I also want you to turn off the air conditioning. Can we do both those things?
  • (Naked) I really want to dance for you. Show you that I'm... sexy. But I'm really more of a "chicken dance" kind of girl. Unless... That turns you on?
  • (Naked) The naked truth is I love you. Ha ha ha! Okay, dead or alive, puns are awesome!
  • (Naked) The thought of being naked in front of you no longer spooks me. Tee hee!
  • (Naked) I guess you can tell I'm blushing now... In fact, that's my secret, Senpai. I'm always blushing.
  • (Naked) Brr! It's chilly! You should wrap me in your arms and share your body heat? Okay great thanks let's do it!


  • PLEEEEEASE RUB MY FEET! I yearn for it so badly!
  • Ooooh! I haven't felt this in so long. More, please!
  • (Naked) Tee hee! As long as you're getting all touchy feely, I can think of a few other spots you can "tickle".
  • (Naked) Is this sex? Are we having it? I just realized that being a ghost made me forget a lot of "body" stuff.


  • I never got anything this wonderful when I was still alive! You're an amazing ghost gift hunter!
  • Oh my... I'm speechless. Thank you so much, my love.
  • Eeeee! I love it! Senpai, you're the best.
  • This really warms my soul. Thank you.
  • [School Uniform] This is a little different than my regular uniform. I like this one because it doesn't remind me of bloodstains... A N D P A I N... A N D D E A T H... Ahem, sorry. Got a little carried away.
  • [Bathing Suit] Tee hee! Super cute! I guess I can give that whole "sun tanning at the beach" thing ONE more try...
  • [Diamond Ring] Kyaaa! I've dreamt of this day ever since I was a little girl! I do, Senpai. I do, I do, I do! Hehehehehe.
  • [Holiday Outfit] What's this? What's this? This outfit reminds me of a nightmare I had once, just before Christmas.
  • [Lingerie] Do you... Do you like it when I dress like this, Senpai? Does it make you... Excited?
  • [Birthday Suit] Oh my gosh, I'm so naked! I barely shower naked. This is... Kind of exhilarating!

Sex Scene[]

  1. You find Generica in your bed, touching herself. She's rubbing herself hard, sweating and moaning, and she lets out a delighted gasp when she sees you. "Senpai! Everything feels so amazing! Please, make love to me!" You do as she asks, the two of you pleasuring each other for hours.
  2. The two of you have sex until you're exhausted, barely able to move. For a long time she lays beside you, panting. Then she takes your hand and squeezes it to her breast. "That was so much better than I could have imagined. I want to do that more... Once I can feel my legs again. Tee hee!"


  • [Moonlight Stroll] I hope I didn't scare you. I can look a little extra spooky at night. Not many ghost stories take place during the day, hey?
  • [Beach] I sort of miss feeling the ocean but at least I never have to worry about drowning. Yay! Silver linings!
  • [Sightseeing] I remember autumn days. The chill in the air, the sound of leaves. Pumpkin spiced lattes. *sigh* Those were the days.
  • [Movie Theater] I love that movie. Especially when the boy ghost possesses the lady psychic and makes out with the pretty girl. *sigh* So romantic!

Dialogue about Ayeka[]

  • Oh my. I'm actually pretty scared my killer may come back. Ghost or not, please don't let her take me away from you again.
  • I sense my killer is near... Should she reveal herself, I shall unleash the full might of my eternal suffering upon her. AND call her mean names.
  • S H E     I S     N E A R.       R E V E N G E
  • I think it's important to forget the past and move on. Buuuuuut if I ever see my killer in the street, and I'm driving a bus or something... Well, I'm just saying.
  • If I ever got my hands on my killer... Well, I would probably cry a whole bunch. I'm not great at conflict.
  • Gah! I keep having visions of a knife, and an incinerator. That's some seriously dark stuff. Who would do something like that?

Requirement Table[]

Relationship Level Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 10,000,000 Affection 54,311 Shells Lvl 30 Tenderness Lvl 32 Funny 1 diamond
0.36 Prestige
Nuisance 100,000,000 Affection 88,888 Roses Lvl 34 Lucky Reach "Coast Guardian" at Lifeguard job 1 diamond
0.54 Prestige
Frenemy 1,000,000,000 Affection 333,221 Chocolates Lvl 37 Suave Lvl 38 Mysterious 1 diamond
0.72 Prestige
Acquaintance 10,000,000,000 Affection 303,030 Earrings Lvl 40 Tenderness Reach "Love Maker" at Love job 1 diamond
0.90 Prestige
Friendzone 100,000,000,000 Affection 1,111,111 Flowers Lvl 44 Suave 33 Moonlight Stroll Dates 1 diamond
1.08 Prestige
Awkward Besties 1,000,000,000,000 Affection 2,468,135 Flowers Lvl 49 Smart 66 Beach Dates 1 diamond
1.26 Prestige
Crush 10,000,000,000,000 Affection 1 Enchanted Scarf Lvl 53 Buff 99 Sightseeing Dates 1 diamond
1.44 Prestige
Sweetheart 100,000,000,000,000 Affection 12,345,678 Shoes Lvl 61 Angst 123 Movie Theater Dates 1 diamond
1.62 Prestige
Girlfriend 1,000,000,000,000,000 Affection 1 Potion Lvl 70 Tenderness Reach "Sorcerer Supremo" at Wizard job 3 diamonds
1.80 Prestige
Lover You did it! 11 total diamonds
9.72 Prestige


  • Her Birthday is set as 15th of July; which falls on the same date as her own LTE Event (which is 15th July 2020).
  • Using the Potion on Generica to bring her back to life makes the second time it has been used in game so far.
  • Her line "I SEE LIVING PEOPLE" is a reference to the movie Sixth Sense ("I see dead people!").
  • Her movie comment is a shout-out to the movie Ghost, specifically the scene where Patrick Swaze's character possesses Whoopi Goldberg in order to have one last dance with Demi Moore.
  • Her references to wanting legs/feet refers to numerous ghost stories, especially Japanese folklore, where ghosts have no legs or feet, instead possessing an ectoplasmic "tail" that fades away to nothingness.
  • Her line "M U S T   N O T   C R A W L   O U T   O F   TV..." is a reference to the Japanese horror film series Ringu and its American adaptation, The Ring.
    • Her line about crawling out of a well is also a reference to Ringu.
  • Her line about teleporting in front of you when you say her name three times is a reference to the movie Beetlejuice.
  • Her Holiday Outfit and the dialogue that goes with it both reference Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
  • Generica's height is given as 5'2" (about 157 cm). It is unclear if this is her height as a ghost or the height of her human body.
  • Her favorite gift is a shell, possibly a reference to Ghost in the Shell.
  • Generica is one of the few if not only girl in the game with 4 poke responses: 2 while clothed and 2 while naked.
  • Generica's school outfit receive some changes after being added as Phone Fling girl list.
  • Generica’s Lover line “I guess you can tell I'm blushing now... In fact, that's my secret, Senpai. I'm always blushing.” May be a reference to the first Avengers movie when Bruce Banner says, “That’s my secret... I’m always angry.”
  • Her physical appearance is based on Kokona from the game Yandere Simulator.
  • Her name is a portmanteau of “generic” and “Erica”.


Phone Fling[]

Memory Album[]

Sprites - Default Outfit (Ghost)[]

Sprites - Default Outfit (Human)[]

Sprites - School Uniform[]

Sprites - Bathing Suit[]

Sprites - Diamond Ring[]

Sprites - DX Wedding Dress[]

Sprites - Holiday Outfit[]

Sprites - Dates (Ghost)[]

Sprites - Dates (Human)[]
