Crush Crush Wikia
Mio Friendzoned

Mio is the second girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked after reaching Level 1 Techsavvy. You meet her at the arcade, in which you end up beating her high score at one of the games while mashing a bunch of random buttons, causing her to drown her sorrows in ice cream.

​ Personality[]

Mio seems to be a very devoted girl, because she relies on her gaming crown so much, which just brings up her depression spiral when she loses. She most likely has an addiction. If what Ayeka says is true, she also has a Twitch account, found here.

​ Dialogue List[]

First Meeting[]

  1. One day, while wandering around the local arcade, you start playing a weird looking retro game. Not entirely understanding how it works, you start button mashing and...
  2. Score - CRUSHED!!!
  4. It appears you got the high score, and destroyed that girl's hard work and dedication. Better try to make her feel better.


  • Derrs errs cream... Ert derrs nerthing fer mer pern...


  • Oh, that's okay. It's not your fault that you button mashed 1500 hours of my life down the drain...
  • Alright, maybe I overreacted a little. I can't blame you for being lucky.
  • I guess I shouldn't have based my core identity on the fleeting experiences of randomness and chance. Live and learn, I guess...


  • Hey! Do I look like a shoulder button? Keep your fingers off'a me! That's NO way to earn hearts!

Upgrade to Nuisance[]

  1. What do you want? Come to rub my face in your victory? (Old quote: Wer der yer wernt? Kerm ter rerb mer ferse irn yer verktry?) [No]
  2. *gulp* I guess you're right. I shouldn't get so worked up. Whatever. Ice cream power - deactivate.


  • Leave me to my ice cream and identity crisis...


  • Quick - top five games! (Please don't say Fappy Bird...)
  • I wish you would stop being so nice. If you were a jerk, I could mod your face into RimSky and smash it with a cudgel.
  • All I want is someone smart, tech-savvy, motivated, with decent mid-control skills and a nice butt. Is that too much to ask?


    • giggle* Don't! You'll make me pee!!

Upgrade to Frenemy[]

  1. You again? Why are you hanging around me so much? Do you want something? [Yes]
  2. Oh! Alright, alright, I get it. I forgive you. You're not nearly as big a jerk as I thought. You're only about half as bad.


  • I feel pretty neutral toward you. What makes a girl go neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or just born with a heart full of neutrality...


  • Quick - top five games! (Please don't say Fappy Bird...)
  • I wish you would stop being so nice. If you were a jerk, I could mod your face into RimSky and smash it with a cudgel.
  • All I want is someone smart, tech savvy, motivated, with decent mid-control skills and a nice butt. Is that too much to ask?


  • *giggle* Don't! You'll make me pee!


  • This isn't even the limited edition. Did you pay money for this? Bad move.

Upgrade to Acquaintance[]

  1. Listen, you seem... normal I guess. [:)]
  2. Mhmmm...


  • Oh hey... You. You silly, little spongy... You.


  • Quick - top five games! (Please don't say Fappy Bird...)
  • I wish you would stop being so nice. If you were a jerk, I could mod your face into RimSky and smash it with a cudgel.
  • All I want is someone smart, tech-savvy, motivated, with decent mid-control skills and a nice butt. Is that too much to ask?


  • *giggle* Don't! You'll make me pee!


  • This isn't even the limited edition. Did you pay money for this? Bad move.

Upgrade to Friendzoned[]

  1. Okay okay okay. You're not as much of a head case as I thought. I'm friendzoning the crap out of you, okay? [OK]
  2. Cool. I'm down with that.


  • Do you wanna... I don't know... Do a... Date? Like... Go outside, and stuff?


  • I sorta wish you had a mute button...
  • Not gonna lie, I love playing Date Sims and Idle Games. They're so... Meta.
  • I've always wanted to date a programmer. I know, it's weird.


  • Oh cool, thanks.


  • *giggle* Don't! You'll make me pee!

Upgrade to Awkward Besties[]

  1. Tee hee! Oh man, I hate the way you make me giggle. I sound like a tool, don't I? [Yes]
  2. You're not supposed to agree with that! Okay fine, but you're twice the tool I am.

Awkward Besties[]

  • Your name must be Wi-Fi, because I swear I'm feeling a connection...


  • Need CC for an epic 5 man. Not the 53xy kind. You in?
  • You know, you're a lot like a retro game. You look kinda weird, but you're fun to play with.
  • Okay okay, I'll accept your friend requests. You better not spam me!
  • What's the difference between you and a calendar? A calendar has dates!
  • For some reason I get along well with programmers. If you, like, want to consider a random career change, go in that direction, I guess?


  • Nice, I love it! Like - unironically.


  • *giggle* Don't! You'll make me pee!

Upgrade to Crush[]

  1. You know, even though this is just an idle dating simulator, you're actually pretty good at it. Ready for the next level? [Yes]
  2. Great! There are lots more goodies to unlock...


  • Your name must be Wi-Fi, because I swear I'm feeling a connection...


  • Need CC for an epic 5 man. Not the 53xy kind. You in?
  • You know, you're a lot like a retro game. You look kinda weird, but you're fun to play with.
  • Okay okay, I'll accept your friend requests. You better not spam me!
  • What's the difference between you and a calendar? A calendar has dates!
  • For some reason I get along well with programmers. If you, like, want to consider a random career change, go in that direction, I guess?


  • Whoa my goodness! This is tight! I love it, thank you!


  • Hee hee hee! I think you're taking this whole "touch screen" thing a little too literally.

Upgrade to Sweetheart[]

  1. So... I think you're pretty neat. Also - I want your body. LOL! Are you sweet on me back? [Yes]
  2. Ha, I KNEW it! You like me! You like a girl! LOL! [lol...]


  • Hey 53xy! Maybe we can co-op some grind quests later...


  • You know I can see you staring at them? No worries, of course. They're pretty distracting.
  • Player used Seduction. It's super effective! Mio fainted...
  • Yesterday, I wanted to buy a pair of heels. But I'm a giant nerd. So I bought gun heels.
  • Begin Game Plus Plus. Endless Love!
  • I wish you came with a controller, so I could dress you in funny outfits and make you fetch me energy drinks.
  • You look pretty good in gamer swag. Also naked, I bet.
  • Hey! I don't wear these shorty shorts for warmth! I'm expecting squeezes and/or awkward shouting ala Gangnam style!
  • How's my Player 2?
  • Now I'm not saying Aerith is a cactuar or anything. But Tifa was definitely the superior girl, right? I mean, wow.
  • You should cosplay as a less dressed version of you.
  • Did you find the secret code for unlimited diamonds? Or am I just trolling you? Tee hee!
  • Don't mind me. I'm just going to lay my head in your lap and play DS. You're comfy.
  • Although this is not really an accurate simulator of dating, don't be afraid to take a chance out there! Flirt! Take chances!
  • Let's play Get Smashed Bros. No items! Tequila only! Final Destination!
  • You're the top of MY leaderboard.
  • I have such a girl crush on Samus. I mean, she can contort herself into a ball. She must bang like a tiger...
  • Your princess is in another castle... JK!
  • Do you like Visual Novels? I'm thinking of getting into a good one myself...
  • You're so WARM. My freezing hands have a date with your defenceless flesh...
  • Successful dialogue was successful. Heart points increased. Congratulations!
  • If I was a game, would you pay for my pre-order?
  • That's a dumb move. Pre-orders are Satan. But you're also very sweet, so points for you!
  • Hee hee. I was just thinking maybe we could pretend I have motion controls...
  • Is that a Oui-mote in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
  • So, are you going to be the Shepard to my Tali?
  • That's good! I can see that I'm having quite the Effect on your Mass, haha!
  • You're special, spelled with an 'R'... Specialer! Hahaha! Aren't I hilarious?
  • Perfect answer. Three stars!
  • I wish I could just pay to win. My stats are a mess. Why do you even like me? I'm a total noob at this flirting thing...
  • Given a choice, I prefer my dates take me to the movies. If the movie is great, I can geek out. If it sucks, I can make out.
  • 20 years of gaming hasn't prepared me very well for this stuff. Should I... rescue you from a castle or something?
  • You make me happy. I keep thinking about all this dumb, goofy, mushy stuff when I see you.
  • Kissing you is more thrilling than e-sports. There, I said it. I feel better.


  • OMG! Where did you even get this? You're giving it to me? Are you nuts? I love it!


  • Hee hee hee! I think you're taking this whole "touch screen" thing a little too literally.

Upgrade to Girlfriend[]

  1. So... If I look like a girlfriend... Sound like a girlfriend... Act like a girlfriend... I guess that means... [...?]
  2. Boom! Official! I'm posting this everywhere! Let's make it super awkward for everyone! Hahaha!


  • Hey 53xy! Maybe we can co-op some grind quests later...


  • You know I can see you staring at them? No worries, of course. They're pretty distracting.
  • Player used Seduction. It's super effective! Mio fainted...
  • Yesterday, I wanted to buy a pair of heels. But I'm a giant nerd. So I bought gun heels.
  • Begin Game Plus Plus. Endless Love!
  • I wish you came with a controller, so I could dress you in funny outfits and make you fetch me energy drinks.
  • You look pretty good in gamer swag. Also naked, I bet.
  • Hey! I don't wear these shorty shorts for warmth! I'm expecting squeezes and/or awkward shouting ala Gangnam style!
  • How's my Player 2?
  • Now I'm not saying Aerith is a cactuar or anything. But Tifa was definitely the superior girl, right? I mean, wow.
  • You should cosplay as a less dressed version of you.
  • Did you find the secret code for unlimited diamonds? Or am I just trolling you? Tee hee!
  • Don't mind me. I'm just going to lay my head in your lap and play DS. You're comfy.
  • Although this is not really an accurate simulator of dating, don't be afraid to take a chance out there! Flirt! Take chances!
  • Let's play Get Smashed Bros. No items! Tequila only! Final Destination!
  • You're the top of MY leaderboard.
  • I have such a girl crush on Samus. I mean, she can contort herself into a ball. She must bang like a tiger...
  • Your princess is in another castle... JK!
  • Do you like Visual Novels? I'm thinking of getting into a good one myself...
  • You're so WARM. My freezing hands have a date with your defenseless flesh...
  • Successful dialogue was successful. Heart points increased. Congratulations!
  • If I was a game, would you pay for my pre-order?
  • That's a dumb move. Pre-orders are Satan. But you're also very sweet, so points for you!
  • Hee hee. I was just thinking maybe we could pretend I have motion controls...
  • Is that a Oui-mote in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
  • So, are you going to be the Shepard to my Tali?
  • That's good! I can see that I'm having quite the Effect on your Mass, haha!
  • You're special, spelled with an 'R'... Specialer! Hahaha! Aren't I hilarious?
  • Perfect answer. Three stars!
  • I wish I could just pay to win. My stats are a mess. Why do you even like me? I'm a total noob at this flirting thing...
  • Given a choice, I prefer my dates take me to the movies. If the movie is great, I can geek out. If it sucks, I can make out.
  • 20 years of gaming hasn't prepared me very well for this stuff. Should I... rescue you from a castle or something?
  • You make me happy. I keep thinking about all this dumb, goofy, mushy stuff when I see you.
  • Kissing you is more thrilling than e-sports. There, I said it. I feel better.


  • OMG! Where did you even get this? You're giving it to me? Are you nuts? I love it!


  • Hee hee hee! I think you're taking this whole "touch screen" thing a little too literally.

Upgrade to Lover[]

  1. You're my GOAT. Wait... That sounded better in my head. Oh jeez, umm... Kiss me! [OK]
  2. You win. Flawless Victory.


  • I'm going to warn you - I'm pretty freaky. I'm talking alt-verse roleplay. I'm talking explicit fan fiction-y stuff.
  • Still hanging around, hey? Glad to see you!
  • I knew you liked this game for the plot. *wink*
  • You're so adorable! I just want to buy a body pillow of you and sleep with it. Wait...
  • Won't you play with me?
  • When I press my breasts into you, and whisper in your ear, do you get chills? Or is it MEGA awkward?
  • (Naked) Oh! My clothes aren't loading... I guess lag isn't bad ALL the time...
  • (Naked) I wonder if you'll find the hidden "Hot Coffee" easter egg... (psst! jk)
  • (Naked) Here's some relationship advice: when a girl is happy to be naked with you, that's a good sign!


  • You make me happy. I keep thinking about all this dumb, goofy, mushy stuff when I see you.
  • Given a choice, I prefer my dates take me to the movies. If the movie is great, I can geek out. If it sucks, I can make out.
  • I wish I could just pay to win. My stats are a mess. Why do you even like me? I'm a total noob at this flirting thing...
  • You're special, spelled with an 'R'... Specialer! Hahaha! Aren't I hilarious?
  • Perfect answer. Three stars!
  • Kissing you is more thrilling than e-sports. There, I said it. I feel better.
  • 20 years of gaming hasn't prepared me very well for this stuff. Should I... rescue you from a castle or something?
  • If I was a game, would you pay for my pre-order?
  • That's a dumb move. Pre-orders are Satan. But you're also very sweet, so points for you!
  • Hee hee. I was just thinking maybe we could pretend I have motion controls...
  • Is that a Oui-mote in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
  • So, are you going to be the Shepard to my Tali?
  • That's good! I can see that I'm having quite the Effect on your Mass, haha!
  • You know I can see you staring at them? No worries, of course. They're pretty distracting.
  • Player used Seduction. It's super effective! Mio fainted...
  • Yesterday, I wanted to buy a pair of heels. But I'm a giant nerd. So I bought gun heels.
  • Begin Game Plus Plus. Endless Love!
  • I wish you came with a controller, so I could dress you in funny outfits and make you fetch me energy drinks.
  • You look pretty good in gamer swag. Also naked, I bet.
  • Hey! I don't wear these shorty shorts for warmth! I'm expecting squeezes and/or awkward shouting ala Gangnam style!
  • How's my Player 2?
  • Now I'm not saying Aerith is a cactuar or anything. But Tifa was definitely the superior girl, right? I mean, wow.
  • You should cosplay as a less dressed version of you.
  • Did you find the secret code for unlimited diamonds? Or am I just trolling you? Tee hee!
  • Don't mind me. I'm just going to lay my head on your lap and play DS. You're comfy.
  • Although this is not really an accurate simulator of dating, don't be afraid to take a chance out there! Flirt! Take chances!
  • Let's play Get Smashed Bros. No items! Tequila only! Final Destination!
  • You're the top of MY leaderboard.
  • I have such a girl crush on Samus. I mean, she can contort herself into a ball. She must bang like a tiger...
  • Your princess is in another castle... JK!
  • Do you like Visual Novels? I'm thinking of getting into a good one myself...
  • You're so WARM. My freezing hands have a date with your defenseless flesh...
  • Successful dialogue was successful. Heart points increased. Congratulations!
  • (Naked) Well, I'm happy to continue the proud tradition of Rule 34. No exceptions.
  • (Naked) Real talk - I love playing games in the nude. Except sometimes I forget I'm live streaming Let's Plays...
  • (Naked) This game would probably be a little less satisfying in 8bit, hey?
  • (Naked) As long as they're right in front of you, feel free to give them a massage...
  • (Naked) I can't wait for touch screens that touch back, if you know what I mean.
  • (Naked) It's weird to think that my nips are enough to push my game into the "Adults Only" category. They're just boobs!
  • (Naked) I would insist that you get naked too, but... I think you are already? You do a lot of hobbies in the buff...
  • (Naked) Great!! You fulfilled your mission! It will revive peace in space. So here's a naked girl!
  • (Naked) Tee hee! Now there's nudity in this game? Okay, I'll play along. Oh no! A gust of wind has ripped off my clothes!

Sex Scene[]

  1. She laughs, making you chase her around the room. She jokes that you should have brought your Master Ball. But once you have her, she begs you to have your way. You have rough, angsty sex on the bed, the floor, the shower, the kitchen...
  2. "You should feel lucky," she giggles afterward. "None of the girls I fell for in video games ever did stuff like that with me." She caresses herself and blushes. "Feel up for a sequel?"


  • Hee hee hee! I think you're taking this whole "touch screen" thing a little too literally.
  • Hahaha! Looking for some force feedback, are we? Come'ere!
  • Ooh! Stop sneaking up on me! Or I'll go Chun Li on your butt!
  • Oh yeah. You're TOTALLY touching me to tickle me. I can't wait for you to "slip and fall" on top of me later...
  • (Naked) I like it when you touch me... As you can probably tell by all the hearts and what not...
  • (Naked) Hey! Make sure you don't start what you can't finish, Flirty McForeplay!
  • (Naked) Go slow. Most of my experience is with... Single player...
  • (Naked) Mmmm, that's better. You're playing Crush Crush, not Red Plumber Party...


  • Oh geez. Thanks. If I was a princess, I'd bake you a cake or something...
  • Are you still buying me stuff? Is there an achievement or something, or are you just sweet as hell?
  • I'm such a hoarder. I'm pretty sure I have at least a thousand of these, but I HAVE to keep every one!
  • Holy super monkey balls. This is, like, the nicest gift I've ever gotten. Oh man, I can't handle these feels...
  • [Holiday Outfit] Tee hee! I'm going to wear this shopping, and see how long it takes before I get tossed out of the mall. Let's go!
  • [School Uniform] Okay, I'mma put this on. But next chance I get, I'm going to buy YOU some cosplay for a little roleplay...
  • [Bathing Suit] Ermergerd! Vanity items are my JAM! Oh man - I feel all "customized" now. Shweet!
  • [Unique Outfit] Tee hee! Well, this cosplay works better than my Main's. Unless you're into girly gorillas!
  • [Diamond Ring] Don't worry tiger. You let me pick the theme of the wedding, and I'll let you pick the theme of the honeymoon...
  • [Animated Pose] Oh geez. Thanks. If I was a princess, I'd bake you a cake or something.
  • [DX Wedding Dress] Don't worry tiger. You let me pick the theme of the wedding, and I'll let you pick the theme of the honeymoon...
  • [Lingerie] Mio used Hardened! It was super effective - *giggle*!
  • [Birthday Suit] Here's some relationship advice: When a girl is happy to be naked with you, that's a good sign!


  • [Moonlight Stroll] Looking up at the stars with you... reminds me of the ending to Secret of Mana.
  • [Beach] Thanks for the date! Now I can spend all day gaming in my basement guilt-free!
  • [Sightseeing] That was about as magical as an Arcane Shadowmancer blood-specced. Which is pretty damn magical.
  • [Movie Theater] If romance is dead, you're the soul stone that's ress'ed it back before the party wiped...
  • *Giggle!* Okay, not bad Newbie. But don't get cocky! (Removed)
  • Wanna game and chill later? (Removed)
  • Haha! What's with the hover-hand, Newb? Grab tight - I don't bite! (Removed)

Dialogue about Ayeka[]

  • Suddenly, killing girls in Yandere Simulator feels weird to me. Am I losing my edge? (Removed)
  • I was playing Yandere Simulator today, and got a weird Meta-Deja-Vu feeling from it. (Removed)
  • Oh man, I'm getting some intense DMs online lately. Creepy stalker stuff. Maybe I should unplug for a bit?
  • The other day, I found my favorite arcade with a hammer put through the screen. Someone must have gotten frustrated.
  • Have you met that weird girl with the autumn hair? I get a "silent hills" vibe from her.
  • Aw man, someone kept posting gore pics to my Twitch stream last night. Super gross.

Requirement Table[]

Relationship Level Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 150 affection Lvl 3 Suave Unlocks Hobbies through Motivation
0.04 Prestige multiplier
Nuisance 560 affection Lvl 3 Motivation $1,337 on hand 0.06 Prestige multiplier
Frenemy 1,708 affection Lvl 5 Funny 1 Rose gift Onion Rehydrator (Fast Food) 0.08 Prestige multiplier
Acquaintance 5,209 affection Lvl 7 Tenderness 1 Hand Lotion gift Barista (Restaurant) 0.10 Prestige multiplier
Friendzone 17,191 affection 2 Moonlight Stroll dates 1 Donut gift Lvl 9 Funny Unlocks Wisdom Hobby
0.12 Prestige multiplier
Awkward Besties 56,730 affection 2 Beach dates 1 Book gift Work at Zoo Unlocks Badass and Smart Hobbies
0.14 Prestige multiplier
Crush 187,210 affection 1 Sightseeing date 1 Drink gift Lvl 12 Smart 0.16 Prestige multiplier
Sweetheart 617,794 affection 1 Flowers gift 1 Movie Theater date Lvl 14 Tech Savvy 0.18 Prestige multiplier
Girlfriend 2,038,719 affection 1 Cake gift Engineer (Computers) Lvl 18 Funny 0.20 Prestige multiplier
Lover You did it! 1.08 total Prestige multiplier


  • Mio has an official VTuber Twitter, Youtube channel and Twitch channel, run by developer Morgan Long of Sad Panda Studios.
  • Mio is named after developer Morgan Long's cat.
  • Mio's design may be a self-insert of developer Morgan Long from Sad Panda Studios. You can find her Youtube channel discussing the development process of Crush Crush here.
  • In an older version, her favorite color was listed as Green.
  • In the Switch version, instead of her saying "Oui-mote" she says "Joycon". This is a reference to the Nintendo Switch Joycons (and potentially an attempt to not get copyrighted for mentioning the Wii).
  • Mio references about having a girl-crush on Samus, and in her sex scene she says "None of the girls I fell for in video games ever did stuff like that with me.", however this doesn't confirm whether or not she's bisexual, since it's never said whether or not your character is canonically male.
  • Mio breaks the fourth wall numerous times:
    • When poking, she says "That's NO way to earn hearts!"
    • When upgrading to Crush, she acknowledges that Crush Crush is an idle dating sim.
    • She teases the player with the possibility of a code for unlimited diamonds.
    • When flirting with her at Sweetheart level, she again acknowledges that Crush Crush is an idle dating sim.
    • At Girlfriend level, when you poke her she says, "Heeheehee. I think your taking this whole touch screen thing a bit too seriously."
    • When you buy her a gift at Lover level she says, "Are you still buying me stuff? Is there an achievement or something, or are you just sweet as hell?"
    • When you seduce her at Lover level she says, "I wish I could just pay to win. My stats are a mess."
    • At Girlfriend level she says, " Successful dialogue said. Hearts Achieved.
    • When you achieve Lover level with her and tap on her, she says "I knew you liked this game for the plot. *wink*"


  • Her first line, "Does not want" references the 'Do not want' meme.
  • One of her Adversary lines has her say, "Live and learn", referencing the title of the theme song for Sonic Adventure 2.
  • One of her Sorry quotes "If you were a jerk, I could mod your face into RimSky and smash it with a cudgel." is a reference to Skyrim.
  • Her frenemy interaction line is a quote from the TV series Futurama.
  • When Friendzoned, one of her chat dialogues talks about Dating Sims and Idle Games, referencing Crush Crush, the game itself.
  • After taking her on a Moonlight Stroll, she talks about being reminded of the ending to Secret of Mana.
  • The Arcane Shadowmancer is a reference to World of Warcraft.
  • The Horde pattern in her default dress is the reference to WarCraft.
  • One of her Awkward Besties flirting dialogues may reference MOBA games.
  • She references Gangnam Style in one of her Flirt dialogues.
  • Mio references Final Fantasy VII in one of her flavor texts.
  • Mio references Super Smash Bros. with 'Get Smashed Bros.'
  • Mio states that she has a girl crush on Samus, the main character from the Metroid series.
  • Mio references Mario in her flavor texts.
  • When you become Mio's lover, she says "Flawless victory", referencing Mortal Kombat
  • She references GTA: San Andreas and the Hot Coffee Easter Egg.
  • Her phrase "You are my GOAT" may refer to the acronym for "Greatest of All Time".
  • When Mio questions whether or not Samus "bangs like a tiger," this is a reference to the DeJap fan translation of Tales of Phantasia.
  • Poking Mio at Lover level will prompt her to reference Street Fighter, saying that she "might go Chun-Li on your butt".
  • Mio's diamond ring outfit resembles Princess Peach's dress from the Super Mario series.
  • Mio's line "If I were a princess, I'd bake you a cake." is a reference to a letter from Princess Peach to Mario from Super Mario 64, in which Peach invites him over for a cake that she baked for him.
  • Mio's Unique Dress resembles D.Va from Overwatch.
  • Mio's quote when wearing Unique Dress "Unless you're into girly gorillas!" might refers to Winston (her main hero in Overwatch).
  • Mio's quote on buying Gun Heels is a reference to Bayonetta.
  • Mio's quote "Except sometimes I forget I'm live streaming Let's Plays..." refers to Hearthstone Twitch Streamer who forgot to turn off the stream and watching Porn while the stream is on, resulting herself getting banned.
  • Mio might also make reference of Rule 34.
  • The $1,337 requirement to pass nuisance level is a reference to 1337 (LEET), which is an example of leetspeak.
  • The achievement "Mio wins! Friendship!" is another reference to Mortal Kombat's friendly finisher, a Friendship.
  • The Nuisance achievement "Player 2 joins the game" Is commonly seen in video games upon a 2nd player joining.
  • In Mio's phone fling, she references both Five Nights at Freddy's and Animal Crossing: New Horizons, when saying, "Five Days on Animatronic Island: Happy Horizons." Additionally, she references Five Nights at Freddy's again, when she claims the title already has 11 installments in the series, since as of the release of the phone fling, Five Nights at Freddy's has exactly 11 games.
  • [Chinese] Her line about your top 5 games references the popular Mobile Game 王者荣耀 or King of Glory.
  • Mio, along with Cassie, Quill, Elle, Iro, Bonnibel, Fumi, Nina, Alpha, and Pamu appears as an easter egg in Yandere Simulator. (removed)


Hush Hush[]


Mio's reference.

Memory Album[]

Phone Fling[]

Sprites - Default Outfit[]

Sprites - Holiday Outfit[]

Sprites - School Uniform[]

Sprites - Bathing Suit[]

Sprites - Unique Outfit[]

Sprites - Diamond Ring[]

Sprites - DX Wedding Dress[]

Sprites - Dates[]
