Crush Crush Wikia

Relationship Requirements[]


Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 50 Seat Saver
(Lv 2 Bus Driver)
Lvl 1 Passion $25 1 Diploma
Nuisance 163 Lvl 2 Stamina 2 Backpack 1 Textbooks 1 Diploma
Frenemy 530 Lvl 4 Insight 4 Textbooks 1 Eraser 1 Diploma
Acquaintance 1,723 Lvl 5 Passion 2 Lunchbox Lvl 5 Stamina 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 4,824 Lvl 6 Composure 1 Moonlight Stroll 14 Eraser 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 13,507 Lvl 9 Passion 1 Beach 6 Lunchbox 1 Diploma
Crush 40,521 Lvl 21 Stamina 1 Sightseeing 7 Notebook 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 202,605 Lvl 24 Passion 1 Movie Theater 8 Pencil 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 1,418,235 Lvl 33 Insight 6 Pencil Case 8 Ruler 3 Diplomas


Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 750 11 Textbooks Lvl 7 Helpful Work at Sports Coach 1 Diploma
Nuisance 3,750 8 Backpack Lvl 8 Funny 4 Lunchbox 1 Diploma
Frenemy 18,750 Grass Painter
(Lv 2 Sports Coach)
Lvl 12 Insight 7 Notebook 1 Diploma
Acquaintance 93,750 14 Textbooks Lvl 16 Funny 8 Pencil 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 468,750 Dog Ear Unfolder
(Lv 2 Librarian)
2 Moonlight Stroll 12 Pencil Case 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 2,343,750 8 Ruler 4 Beach 2 Stapler 1 Diploma
Crush 11,718,750 Lvl 23 Funny 8 Sightseeing 18 Stapler 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 58,593,750 Lvl 27 Helpful 10 Movie Theater 19 Apple 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 292,968,750 Superintendant
(Lv 5 Cleaner)
Lvl 42 Insight 4 Crypto 3 Diplomas


Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 17,000 8 Backpack Lvl 11 Helpful 6 Notebook 1 Diploma
Nuisance 73,000 Table Wiper
(Lv 2 Cafeteria)
Lvl 14 Composure 2 Pencil Case 1 Diploma
Frenemy 370,000 Tray Taker
(Lv 3 Cafeteria)
Lvl 18 Foresight 3 Ruler 1 Diploma
Acquaintance 1,420,000 8 Pencil Lvl 18 Impartial 2 Stapler 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 5,740,000 Lab Tech
(Lv 2 Science Teacher)
8 Moonlight Stroll 9 Stapler 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 21,050,000 1 Stapler 8 Beach 7 Apple 1 Diploma
Crush 83,570,000 2 Girls At Lover 8 Sightseeing 9 Encyclopedia 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 391,640,000 Lvl 45 Composure 8 Movie Theater 29 Encyclopedia 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 2,427,520,000 Lab Legend
(Lv 5 Science Teacher)
Lvl 50 Smart 36 Crypto 3 Diplomas


Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 70,000 Fare Taker
(Lv 5 Bus Driver)
Lvl 21 Foresight 7 Pencil 1 Diploma
Nuisance 630,000 Work at Science Teacher Lvl 22 Smart 16 Pencil Case 1 Diploma
Frenemy 5,040,000 Work at History Teacher Lvl 28 Composure 8 Stapler 1 Diploma
Acquaintance 35,280,000 10 Pencil Case Lvl 40 Helpful 12 Apple 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 211,680,000 Lvl 45 Foresight 12 Moonlight Stroll 16 Encyclopedia 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 846,720,000 Lvl 43 Balance 12 Beach 280 Apple 1 Diploma
Crush 2,540,160,000 42 Encyclopedia 12 Sightseeing 30 Crypto 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 7,620,480,000 4 Crypto 12 Movie Theater 2 Coffee Pot 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 22,861,440,000 Hawt Historian
(Lv 7 History Teacher)
Lvl 50 Enthusiasm 7 Coffee Pot 3 Diplomas


Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 1,320,000 Hypothesizer
(Lv 3 Science Teacher)
Lvl 30 Enthusiasm 486 Notebook 1 Diploma
Nuisance 26,400,000 Work at PE Teacher Lvl 34 Joy 9 Apple 1 Diploma
Frenemy 237,600,000 Display Maker
(Lv 5 Librarian)
Lvl 38 Balance 18 Encyclopedia 1 Diploma
Acquaintance 1,425,600,000 15 Encyclopedia Lvl 48 Foresight 18 Crypto 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 4,989,600,000 Grammarian
(Lv 4 English Teacher)
16 Moonlight Stroll 11 CD 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 14,968,800,000 Lvl 51 Impartial 16 Beach 5 Coffee Pot 1 Diploma
Crush 37,422,000,000 95,761 Notebook 16 Sightseeing 11 Coffee Pot 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 74,844,000,000 27 CD 16 Movie Theater 2 Magnet 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 149,688,000,000 Poetry Pundit
(Lv 7 English Teacher)
Lvl 60 Foresight 2 Microchip 3 Diplomas

Miss Desiree[]

Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 15,000,000 11 Stapler Lvl 50 Passion 3 Apple 1 Diploma
Nuisance 52,500,000 Lvl 45 Smart Lvl 50 Stamina 84 Stapler 1 Diploma
Frenemy 183,750,000 Work at Administration Lvl 55 Passion 62 Apple 1 Diploma
Acquaintance 643,125,000 Grammarian
(Lv 4 English Teacher)
16 Encyclopedia 7 Crypto 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 2,572,500,000 Lvl 64 Passion 24 Moonlight Stroll 6 CD 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 10,290,000,000 Lvl 62 Smart 24 Beach 4 Coffee Pot 1 Diploma
Crush 41,160,000,000 Lvl 66 Impartial 24 Sightseeing 2 Magnet 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 164,640,000,000 Lvl 68 Smart 24 Movie Theater 6 Magnet 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 658,560,000,000 Peer Reviewer
(Lv 7 Science Teacher)
Lvl 71 Passion 4 Microchip 3 Diplomas


Level Affection Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4 Rewards
Adversary 74,000,000 2,042 Pencil Case Lvl 49 Foresight Sideline Strategist
(Lv 6 Sports Coach)
1 Diploma
Nuisance 296,000,000 24 Encyclopedia Lvl 49 Balance Cardio Commander
(Lv 4 PE Teacher)
1 Diploma
Frenemy 1,184,000,000 428 Apple Lvl 54 Balance Penalty Pro
(Lv 7 Sports Coach)
1 Diploma
Acquaintance 4,736,000,000 Lvl 66 Insight All Hobbies Lvl 55 10 CD 1 Diploma
Friendzoned 18,944,000,000 Lvl 68 Helpful 26 Moonlight Stroll 1,557 Encyclopedia 1 Diploma
Awkward Besties 66,304,000,000 Discourse Discusser
(Lv 8 English Teacher)
26 Beach 139 CD 1 Diploma
Crush 232,064,000,000 Lvl 64 Foresight 26 Sightseeing 72 Coffee Pot 1 Diploma
Sweetheart 812,224,000,000 Lvl 71 Enthusiasm 26 Movie Theater 26 Magnet 1 Diploma
Girlfriend 2,842,784,000,000 Fiction Philosopher
(Lv 9 English Teacher)
Lvl 72 Joy 9 Microchip 3 Diplomas


Bus Driver[]

Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
4 Door Operator
5 Fare Taker $ 20 20,160
6 Stop Scheduler $ 24 2 $ 16
7 Horn Beeper $ 29 2 $ 154 604,800
8 Average Driver $ 35 2 $ 373 2,419,200
9 Professional Driver
10 Golden Charioteer

Sports Coach[]

Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Bench Warmer $ 35 40
2 Grass Painter $ 46 160
3 Pylon Positioner $ 60 640
4 Ball Butler $ 78 2,560
5 Cheerleader $ 101 11,520
6 Sideline Strategist $131 4 51,840
7 Penalty Pro $170 4 259,200
9 Goal Guru
10 World Cup Winner


Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Bookmark Collector $ 240 240
2 Dog Ear Unfolder $ 310 960
3 Shelf Duster $ 406 3,360
5 Display Maker $ 686 4 35,280
6 Shusher $ 823 4 105,840
7 Card Checker 4 317,520
8 Exam Proctor
9 Archivist
10 Library Director


Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Dish Washer $ 80 320
2 Table Wiper $ 104 1,600
3 Tray Taker $135 3,000
4 Slop Server $ 189 3 $ 504 32,000
5 Dessert Distributor $265 3 128,000
6 Soup Supervisor $ 371 3 384,000
7 Menu Maker $ 842
9 Supreme Chef
10 Big Enchilada


Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Janitor $ 300 200
5 Superintendant $ 923 8 738 16,200
6 Groundskeeper
8 Undertaker
9 Hazmat Specialist
10 Bomb Cleaner

Science Teacher[]

Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Lab Rat $ 1,000 620
2 Lab Tech $ 1,750 1,860
3 Hypothesizer $3,063 $ 151 5,580
4 Beaker Bae $5,360 6 $ 1,900 13,950
5 Lab Legend $ 9,380 6 34,875
6 Science Sensei $ 16,415 6 $ 9,550 69,750
7 Peer Reviewer $ 28,726 6
8 Sane Scientist $ 50,271
9 Mad Scientist
10 Nutty Professor

History Teacher[]

Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Timely Tutor $ 600 3,000
3 Chronology Lecturer $ 1,350 6 12,000
4 Essay Assigner $ 2,025 6 24,000
6 Yesteryear Scholar 6 96,000
7 Hawt Historian 6,836 240,000
9 Adventuring Archaelogist
10 Dr. Jones

English Teacher[]

Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Voracious Reader $ 2,000 1,100
4 Grammarian $30,000 6,772
5 Thesis Judger $40,000 4 $ 146,280 12,867
6 Prose Professor $50,000 4 25,734
7 Poetry Pundit $55,000 3 51,468
8 Discourse Discusser
9 Fiction Philosopher
10 Literary Pedadouge

PE Teacher[]

Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Fitness Fanatic $8,000 8 533 320
2 Stretching Specialist $11,666 8 1,120
3 Sweat Sergeant $15,000 8 3,360
4 Cardio Commander $20,000 8 $56,880 10,080
6 Push-Up Prodigy $33,333 8 50,400
7 Weight Lifter
9 Workout Wizard
10 Miracle Mentor


Level Title Earnings Time $ Per Second $ Per Second Per Time Block Needed Shifts Time Until Promotion Total Earnings
1 Chalk Cleaner 12
2 Teacher's Pet 3000 12
6 Department Head 12 56,801
7 Curriculum Conductor 12 204,484
8 Academic Ace
9 The Registrar
10 The Dean


Name Stat Raised Unlocked By
Anime Club Passion Sawyer Adversary
Swim Club Stamina Sawyer Nuisance
Book Club Insight Sawyer Frenemy
Tutoring Helpful Lake Adversary
Music Club Composure Sawyer Friendzoned
Partying Funny Lake Nuisance
Chess Club Foresight Ruri Frenemy
Science Club Impartial Ruri Acquaintance
Studying Smart Ayeka Nuisance
Cheerleading Enthusiasm Ayeka Frenemy
Jump Rope Club Joy Generica Nuisance
Fencing Club Balance Generica Frenemy


Name Cost Cost (Diplomas) Affection Given
Backpack $50 1 20 0.40
Textbooks $150 1 60 0.40
Eraser $450 1 192 0.43
Lunchbox $1.35k 2 652 0.48
Notebook $4.72k 2 2.28k 0.48
Pencil $16.53k 2 8.44k 0.51
Pencil Case $57.88k 2 32.08k 0.55
Ruler $231.5k 3 128.33k 0.55
Stapler $926.1k 3 538.99k 0.58
Apple $3.70M 3 2.37M 0.64
Encyclopedia $16.67M 4 10.67M 0.64
Crypto $75.01M 4 53.36M 0.71
CD $375.0M 4 346.84M 0.92
Coffee Pot $2.06B 5 2.67B 1.30
Magnet $12.37B 5 23.50B 1.90
Microchip $86.64B 6 232.67B 2.69


Requirement Reward
Sawyer Adversary PES Achievement
Sawyer Nuisance 5 Time Blocks
Lake Adversary 5000 Money
Lv 4 Bus Driver - Door Operator 15 Diplomas
Lvl 12 Funny 10 Time Blocks
Ruri Nuisance Sawyer's DX Wedding Dress
Lvl 24 Insight x2 Speed Boost
$2.50M 2 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately)
Sawyer Lover Lake's DX Wedding Dress
Ayeka Acquaintance 15 Diplomas
Generica Nuisance 10 Time Blocks
Lvl 28 Joy 2 Billion Money
Lv 3 English Teacher - Book Reviewer 20 Diplomas
Ruri Girlfriend 4 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately)
Lvl 52 Helpful 10 Time Blocks
Ayeka Crush x2 Speed Boost
Generica Crush Ayeka's DX Wedding Dress
Ayeka Lover 4 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately)
Miss Desiree Sweetheart 15 Diplomas
Generica Lover 15 Time Blocks
Lvl 64 Funny x4 Speed Boost
Miss Desiree Lover Generica's DX Wedding Dress
Lvl 69 Balance 4 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately)
Karyn Lover Unlock Karyn

Max Requirements[]

Stat Level Required Job Level Required
Passion 71 Bus Driver 5 (Fare Taker)
Stamina 55 Sports Coach 7 (Penalty Pro)
Insight 66 Librarian 5 (Display Maker)
Helpful 68 Cafeteria 3 (Tray Taker)
Composure 55 Cleaner 5 (Superintendant)
Funny 64 Science Teacher 7 (Peer Reviewer)
Foresight 64 History Teacher 7 (Hawt Historian)
Impartial 66 English Teacher 9 (Fiction Philosopher)
Smart 68 PE Teacher 4 (Cardio Commander)
Enthusiasm 71 Administration None
Joy 72
Balance 69

Money-making Method[]

  • Gild the following jobs - English Teacher, PE Teacher, Science Teacher, and Administration