Relationship Requirements[]
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 50 | Seat Saver (Lv 2 Bus Driver) |
Lvl 1 Passion | $25 | 1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 163 | Lvl 2 Stamina | 2 Backpack | 1 Textbooks | 1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 530 | Lvl 4 Insight | 4 Textbooks | 1 Eraser | 1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 1,723 | Lvl 5 Passion | 2 Lunchbox | Lvl 5 Stamina | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 4,824 | Lvl 6 Composure | 1 Moonlight Stroll | 14 Eraser | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 13,507 | Lvl 9 Passion | 1 Beach | 6 Lunchbox | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 40,521 | Lvl 21 Stamina | 1 Sightseeing | 7 Notebook | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 202,605 | Lvl 24 Passion | 1 Movie Theater | 8 Pencil | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 1,418,235 | Lvl 33 Insight | 6 Pencil Case | 8 Ruler | 3 Diplomas |
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 750 | 11 Textbooks | Lvl 7 Helpful | Work at Sports Coach | 1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 3,750 | 8 Backpack | Lvl 8 Funny | 4 Lunchbox | 1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 18,750 | Grass Painter (Lv 2 Sports Coach) |
Lvl 12 Insight | 7 Notebook | 1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 93,750 | 14 Textbooks | Lvl 16 Funny | 8 Pencil | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 468,750 | Dog Ear Unfolder (Lv 2 Librarian) |
2 Moonlight Stroll | 12 Pencil Case | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 2,343,750 | 8 Ruler | 4 Beach | 2 Stapler | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 11,718,750 | Lvl 23 Funny | 8 Sightseeing | 18 Stapler | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 58,593,750 | Lvl 27 Helpful | 10 Movie Theater | 19 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 292,968,750 | Superintendant (Lv 5 Cleaner) |
Lvl 42 Insight | 4 Crypto | 3 Diplomas |
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 17,000 | 8 Backpack | Lvl 11 Helpful | 6 Notebook | 1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 73,000 | Table Wiper (Lv 2 Cafeteria) |
Lvl 14 Composure | 2 Pencil Case | 1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 370,000 | Tray Taker (Lv 3 Cafeteria) |
Lvl 18 Foresight | 3 Ruler | 1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 1,420,000 | 8 Pencil | Lvl 18 Impartial | 2 Stapler | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 5,740,000 | Lab Tech (Lv 2 Science Teacher) |
8 Moonlight Stroll | 9 Stapler | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 21,050,000 | 1 Stapler | 8 Beach | 7 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 83,570,000 | 2 Girls At Lover | 8 Sightseeing | 9 Encyclopedia | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 391,640,000 | Lvl 45 Composure | 8 Movie Theater | 29 Encyclopedia | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 2,427,520,000 | Lab Legend (Lv 5 Science Teacher) |
Lvl 50 Smart | 36 Crypto | 3 Diplomas |
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 70,000 | Fare Taker (Lv 5 Bus Driver) |
Lvl 21 Foresight | 7 Pencil | 1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 630,000 | Work at Science Teacher | Lvl 22 Smart | 16 Pencil Case | 1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 5,040,000 | Work at History Teacher | Lvl 28 Composure | 8 Stapler | 1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 35,280,000 | 10 Pencil Case | Lvl 40 Helpful | 12 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 211,680,000 | Lvl 45 Foresight | 12 Moonlight Stroll | 16 Encyclopedia | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 846,720,000 | Lvl 43 Balance | 12 Beach | 280 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 2,540,160,000 | 42 Encyclopedia | 12 Sightseeing | 30 Crypto | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 7,620,480,000 | 4 Crypto | 12 Movie Theater | 2 Coffee Pot | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 22,861,440,000 | Hawt Historian (Lv 7 History Teacher) |
Lvl 50 Enthusiasm | 7 Coffee Pot | 3 Diplomas |
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 1,320,000 | Hypothesizer (Lv 3 Science Teacher) |
Lvl 30 Enthusiasm | 486 Notebook | 1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 26,400,000 | Work at PE Teacher | Lvl 34 Joy | 9 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 237,600,000 | Display Maker (Lv 5 Librarian) |
Lvl 38 Balance | 18 Encyclopedia | 1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 1,425,600,000 | 15 Encyclopedia | Lvl 48 Foresight | 18 Crypto | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 4,989,600,000 | Grammarian (Lv 4 English Teacher) |
16 Moonlight Stroll | 11 CD | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 14,968,800,000 | Lvl 51 Impartial | 16 Beach | 5 Coffee Pot | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 37,422,000,000 | 95,761 Notebook | 16 Sightseeing | 11 Coffee Pot | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 74,844,000,000 | 27 CD | 16 Movie Theater | 2 Magnet | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 149,688,000,000 | Poetry Pundit (Lv 7 English Teacher) |
Lvl 60 Foresight | 2 Microchip | 3 Diplomas |
Miss Desiree[]
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 15,000,000 | 11 Stapler | Lvl 50 Passion | 3 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 52,500,000 | Lvl 45 Smart | Lvl 50 Stamina | 84 Stapler | 1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 183,750,000 | Work at Administration | Lvl 55 Passion | 62 Apple | 1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 643,125,000 | Grammarian (Lv 4 English Teacher) |
16 Encyclopedia | 7 Crypto | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 2,572,500,000 | Lvl 64 Passion | 24 Moonlight Stroll | 6 CD | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 10,290,000,000 | Lvl 62 Smart | 24 Beach | 4 Coffee Pot | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 41,160,000,000 | Lvl 66 Impartial | 24 Sightseeing | 2 Magnet | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 164,640,000,000 | Lvl 68 Smart | 24 Movie Theater | 6 Magnet | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 658,560,000,000 | Peer Reviewer (Lv 7 Science Teacher) |
Lvl 71 Passion | 4 Microchip | 3 Diplomas |
Level | Affection | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 | Requirement 4 | Rewards |
Adversary | 74,000,000 | 2,042 Pencil Case | Lvl 49 Foresight | Sideline Strategist (Lv 6 Sports Coach) |
1 Diploma |
Nuisance | 296,000,000 | 24 Encyclopedia | Lvl 49 Balance | Cardio Commander (Lv 4 PE Teacher) |
1 Diploma |
Frenemy | 1,184,000,000 | 428 Apple | Lvl 54 Balance | Penalty Pro (Lv 7 Sports Coach) |
1 Diploma |
Acquaintance | 4,736,000,000 | Lvl 66 Insight | All Hobbies Lvl 55 | 10 CD | 1 Diploma |
Friendzoned | 18,944,000,000 | Lvl 68 Helpful | 26 Moonlight Stroll | 1,557 Encyclopedia | 1 Diploma |
Awkward Besties | 66,304,000,000 | Discourse Discusser (Lv 8 English Teacher) |
26 Beach | 139 CD | 1 Diploma |
Crush | 232,064,000,000 | Lvl 64 Foresight | 26 Sightseeing | 72 Coffee Pot | 1 Diploma |
Sweetheart | 812,224,000,000 | Lvl 71 Enthusiasm | 26 Movie Theater | 26 Magnet | 1 Diploma |
Girlfriend | 2,842,784,000,000 | Fiction Philosopher (Lv 9 English Teacher) |
Lvl 72 Joy | 9 Microchip | 3 Diplomas |
Bus Driver[]
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | ||||||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | Door Operator | |||||||
5 | Fare Taker | $ 20 | 20,160 | |||||
6 | Stop Scheduler | $ 24 | 2 | $ 16 | ||||
7 | Horn Beeper | $ 29 | 2 | $ 154 | 604,800 | |||
8 | Average Driver | $ 35 | 2 | $ 373 | 2,419,200 | |||
9 | Professional Driver | |||||||
10 | Golden Charioteer |
Sports Coach[]
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Bench Warmer | $ 35 | 40 | |||||
2 | Grass Painter | $ 46 | 160 | |||||
3 | Pylon Positioner | $ 60 | 640 | |||||
4 | Ball Butler | $ 78 | 2,560 | |||||
5 | Cheerleader | $ 101 | 11,520 | |||||
6 | Sideline Strategist | $131 | 4 | 51,840 | ||||
7 | Penalty Pro | $170 | 4 | 259,200 | ||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | Goal Guru | |||||||
10 | World Cup Winner |
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Bookmark Collector | $ 240 | 240 | |||||
2 | Dog Ear Unfolder | $ 310 | 960 | |||||
3 | Shelf Duster | $ 406 | 3,360 | |||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | Display Maker | $ 686 | 4 | 35,280 | ||||
6 | Shusher | $ 823 | 4 | 105,840 | ||||
7 | Card Checker | 4 | 317,520 | |||||
8 | Exam Proctor | |||||||
9 | Archivist | |||||||
10 | Library Director |
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Dish Washer | $ 80 | 320 | |||||
2 | Table Wiper | $ 104 | 1,600 | |||||
3 | Tray Taker | $135 | 3,000 | |||||
4 | Slop Server | $ 189 | 3 | $ 504 | 32,000 | |||
5 | Dessert Distributor | $265 | 3 | 128,000 | ||||
6 | Soup Supervisor | $ 371 | 3 | 384,000 | ||||
7 | Menu Maker | $ 842 | ||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | Supreme Chef | |||||||
10 | Big Enchilada |
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Janitor | $ 300 | 200 | |||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | Superintendant | $ 923 | 8 | 738 | 16,200 | |||
6 | Groundskeeper | |||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | Undertaker | |||||||
9 | Hazmat Specialist | |||||||
10 | Bomb Cleaner |
Science Teacher[]
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Lab Rat | $ 1,000 | 620 | |||||
2 | Lab Tech | $ 1,750 | 1,860 | |||||
3 | Hypothesizer | $3,063 | $ 151 | 5,580 | ||||
4 | Beaker Bae | $5,360 | 6 | $ 1,900 | 13,950 | |||
5 | Lab Legend | $ 9,380 | 6 | 34,875 | ||||
6 | Science Sensei | $ 16,415 | 6 | $ 9,550 | 69,750 | |||
7 | Peer Reviewer | $ 28,726 | 6 | |||||
8 | Sane Scientist | $ 50,271 | ||||||
9 | Mad Scientist | |||||||
10 | Nutty Professor |
History Teacher[]
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Timely Tutor | $ 600 | 3,000 | |||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | Chronology Lecturer | $ 1,350 | 6 | 12,000 | ||||
4 | Essay Assigner | $ 2,025 | 6 | 24,000 | ||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | Yesteryear Scholar | 6 | 96,000 | |||||
7 | Hawt Historian | 6,836 | 240,000 | |||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | Adventuring Archaelogist | |||||||
10 | Dr. Jones |
English Teacher[]
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Voracious Reader | $ 2,000 | 1,100 | |||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | Grammarian | $30,000 | 6,772 | |||||
5 | Thesis Judger | $40,000 | 4 | $ 146,280 | 12,867 | |||
6 | Prose Professor | $50,000 | 4 | 25,734 | ||||
7 | Poetry Pundit | $55,000 | 3 | 51,468 | ||||
8 | Discourse Discusser | |||||||
9 | Fiction Philosopher | |||||||
10 | Literary Pedadouge |
PE Teacher[]
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Fitness Fanatic | $8,000 | 8 | 533 | 320 | |||
2 | Stretching Specialist | $11,666 | 8 | 1,120 | ||||
3 | Sweat Sergeant | $15,000 | 8 | 3,360 | ||||
4 | Cardio Commander | $20,000 | 8 | $56,880 | 10,080 | |||
5 | ||||||||
6 | Push-Up Prodigy | $33,333 | 8 | 50,400 | ||||
7 | Weight Lifter | |||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | Workout Wizard | |||||||
10 | Miracle Mentor |
Level | Title | Earnings | Time | $ Per Second | $ Per Second Per Time Block | Needed Shifts | Time Until Promotion | Total Earnings |
1 | Chalk Cleaner | 12 | ||||||
2 | Teacher's Pet | 3000 | 12 | |||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | Department Head | 12 | 56,801 | |||||
7 | Curriculum Conductor | 12 | 204,484 | |||||
8 | Academic Ace | |||||||
9 | The Registrar | |||||||
10 | The Dean |
Name | Stat Raised | Unlocked By |
Anime Club | Passion | Sawyer Adversary |
Swim Club | Stamina | Sawyer Nuisance |
Book Club | Insight | Sawyer Frenemy |
Tutoring | Helpful | Lake Adversary |
Music Club | Composure | Sawyer Friendzoned |
Partying | Funny | Lake Nuisance |
Chess Club | Foresight | Ruri Frenemy |
Science Club | Impartial | Ruri Acquaintance |
Studying | Smart | Ayeka Nuisance |
Cheerleading | Enthusiasm | Ayeka Frenemy |
Jump Rope Club | Joy | Generica Nuisance |
Fencing Club | Balance | Generica Frenemy |
Name | Cost | Cost (Diplomas) | Affection Given | |
Backpack | $50 | 1 | 20 | 0.40 |
Textbooks | $150 | 1 | 60 | 0.40 |
Eraser | $450 | 1 | 192 | 0.43 |
Lunchbox | $1.35k | 2 | 652 | 0.48 |
Notebook | $4.72k | 2 | 2.28k | 0.48 |
Pencil | $16.53k | 2 | 8.44k | 0.51 |
Pencil Case | $57.88k | 2 | 32.08k | 0.55 |
Ruler | $231.5k | 3 | 128.33k | 0.55 |
Stapler | $926.1k | 3 | 538.99k | 0.58 |
Apple | $3.70M | 3 | 2.37M | 0.64 |
Encyclopedia | $16.67M | 4 | 10.67M | 0.64 |
Crypto | $75.01M | 4 | 53.36M | 0.71 |
CD | $375.0M | 4 | 346.84M | 0.92 |
Coffee Pot | $2.06B | 5 | 2.67B | 1.30 |
Magnet | $12.37B | 5 | 23.50B | 1.90 |
Microchip | $86.64B | 6 | 232.67B | 2.69 |
Requirement | Reward |
Sawyer Adversary | PES Achievement |
Sawyer Nuisance | 5 Time Blocks |
Lake Adversary | 5000 Money |
Lv 4 Bus Driver - Door Operator | 15 Diplomas |
Lvl 12 Funny | 10 Time Blocks |
Ruri Nuisance | Sawyer's DX Wedding Dress |
Lvl 24 Insight | x2 Speed Boost |
$2.50M | 2 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately) |
Sawyer Lover | Lake's DX Wedding Dress |
Ayeka Acquaintance | 15 Diplomas |
Generica Nuisance | 10 Time Blocks |
Lvl 28 Joy | 2 Billion Money |
Lv 3 English Teacher - Book Reviewer | 20 Diplomas |
Ruri Girlfriend | 4 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately) |
Lvl 52 Helpful | 10 Time Blocks |
Ayeka Crush | x2 Speed Boost |
Generica Crush | Ayeka's DX Wedding Dress |
Ayeka Lover | 4 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately) |
Miss Desiree Sweetheart | 15 Diplomas |
Generica Lover | 15 Time Blocks |
Lvl 64 Funny | x4 Speed Boost |
Miss Desiree Lover | Generica's DX Wedding Dress |
Lvl 69 Balance | 4 Hour Time Skip (This will activate immediately) |
Karyn Lover | Unlock Karyn |
Max Requirements[]
Stat | Level Required | Job | Level Required |
Passion | 71 | Bus Driver | 5 (Fare Taker) |
Stamina | 55 | Sports Coach | 7 (Penalty Pro) |
Insight | 66 | Librarian | 5 (Display Maker) |
Helpful | 68 | Cafeteria | 3 (Tray Taker) |
Composure | 55 | Cleaner | 5 (Superintendant) |
Funny | 64 | Science Teacher | 7 (Peer Reviewer) |
Foresight | 64 | History Teacher | 7 (Hawt Historian) |
Impartial | 66 | English Teacher | 9 (Fiction Philosopher) |
Smart | 68 | PE Teacher | 4 (Cardio Commander) |
Enthusiasm | 71 | Administration | None |
Joy | 72 | ||
Balance | 69 |
Money-making Method[]
- Gild the following jobs - English Teacher, PE Teacher, Science Teacher, and Administration